My Top 10 Most Popular Posts of 2011
Note: I may earn money or products from the companies, products, or links mentioned in this post.
Last year I did a top 10 of 2010 post of all my blog posts from that year. It was really interesting to see what my top 10 most popular posts were about (most of them were about pregnancy and motherhood since my son was born that year). I liked it so much I decided to do it again this year. Definitely fun to see what the best were this year. I hope if you missed these that you check them out, and if you read them already check them out again, these are definitely the best of the best!
Singing Through the Rain’s Most Popular Posts of 2011
10. A Mommy Moment
The tenth most popular post of 2011 was this one. I wrote about my son finally getting a sign we had been teaching him, and my happiness about him understanding what we were saying.
9. Deployment Orders
In this one I wrote about my feelings about our first deployment orders. I listed the pros and cons of staying at home versus staying with family. You all helped me figured things out with the comments you left.
8. Yes, I Schedule My Baby
I loved writing this one because it told how a baby can be on a schedule. I know it doesn’t work for everyone, but it worked for us, and I would definitely do it again.
7. Deployments: They’re not a Contest!
This one was written out of sadness that a lot of military wives compare how long their husbands have been gone and fight over who has gone through the most. It’s not a contest, we are supposed to be there for each other!
6. A Military Wife’s Promise
In this post I talk about hard hard deployment had been for me. I also list a beautiful poem – A Military Wife’s Promise – written by another military wife. I believe that is what made it so popular!
5. No More Drama: Standing up as a Woman Should
I wrote this in a final attempt to finally get rid of drama in my life. I realized I needed to learn it’s ok to say no, and it’s ok to not let people run all over me. I am important and so are you!
4. Welcome to my New WordPress Blog!
This year brought along some new blogging changes and switching to WordPress was one of them! In this post I talk about the switch and why I decided WordPress was best.
3. My Little Boy is in Therapy
In the third most popular post of the year I talk about my son who started therapy for a food aversion. He now is in occupational therapy and will be starting speech therapy in January.
2. Change of Date
This post was me be-moaning my husband’s deployment date getting changed several days before he was supposed to leave due to someone’s mistake. Got to love the military and their non-organization skills!
1. Saying Goodbye…
The most popular post of the year was my post about saying goodbye to my husband when he left for deployment. I described my entire day, what I was thinking, feeling, and the dream I felt like I was in. So glad that is over and I can look forward to homecoming!