My name is Kathryn and I am so glad you’re here. Here is just a little bit about me and my family.
I am a Military Spouse.
I have been married for almost 10 years to a wonderful man in the United States military. My husband has been serving active duty in the Air Force this entire time. Recently, we decided we wanted to stay in the wonderful state of Colorado, so my husband will be getting out of active duty and switching to Air Force Reserves. We are both excited and nervous for this change in our lives.
I am a Mom to Two Amazing Special Needs Kids
My husband and I have two beautiful children – a boy and a girl. Both children have special needs and many medical needs. My son, Adam has Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), Apraxia of Speech, and a Feeding Disorder. My daughter, Elizabeth also has Autism and is very medically complex. She was recently diagnosed with three genetic disorders including Ehlers-Danlos Type 3, Dysautonomia (POTS), and Mastocytosis. She has been hospitalized twelve times, has a feeding tube, and is on oxygen due to apnea.
Just Me
Between being a military spouse and being a caretaker to my two kids, I am pretty busy! However, God’s grace has stayed with me all through this entire journey. Whether it was a hard deployment, a diagnosis, or a hospital stay, we have seen God’s hand in it all. It is only my faith that has kept me going.
In my “spare time,” I love spending time with my family, going on date nights with my husband, making new friends, and reading (or writing) a good book!
About the Blog
I started Singing Through the Rain in July of 2009 when I decided to become serious about blogging. I had been blogging for fun for years, but had mostly journaled and had written about my day. A friend encouraged me to join blogger.com, and I realized that it was exactly the push I needed to become the blogger and writer I wanted to be.
In October 2011, I officially switched to WordPress to take my blog to the next step and I have never looked back. My passion is to write about marriage, motherhood, and military life and to encourage women in those areas.
Over the past few years, not only have I continued blogging and writing, but I have turned my site into a thriving business too. I don’t know what the next five years has for my site, but I am confident that it will continue to grow and hopefully encourage more and more people along the way.
Why Singing Through the Rain?
When I was trying to come up with a name for my blog in 2009, I thought about what I wanted my blog to portray. I immediately knew that I wanted my blog to be encouraging. I also knew I wanted the name to portray something I loved doing, something about me a lot of people may not know. I immediately thought of about my love for singing. I knew that no matter what I was going through, singing along to a favorite or encouraging song would brighten my day.
Singing Through the Rain means that even though the rain and storms of life keep coming, I’m going to keep on singing and praising God through it all. It hasn’t always been easy, I’ve had my ups and downs, but I give God all the glory. He has given me this love of writing and blogging, and He is the one who has gotten me through all of life’s trials. I am so thankful that I have learned to sing through the rain.