Hello, welcome to Singing Through the Rain! I’m so glad you decided to start here.
My name is Kathryn and I have been writing this blog for 12 years. I am a coffee-obsessed, military spouse, and mom trying to get through this journey we all call life. >>> More About Me
When I was little, my grandmother gave me a special book. I still remember what it looked like, the binding was navy blue and it had little flowers all over it. Inside was lined paper ready for the pages to be filled with countless words. She told me to use it to write stories and it became a game to make up as many stories as I could. I don’t remember what happened to that book, but that was one of the happiest and earliest memories of my passion for writing.
After I got married, my husband asked me what I wanted to do. I told him I wanted to write. He looked at me and said, “Just write.” I looked at him in disbelief. “What do you mean ‘just write’?” He said, “Just sit down and start writing.” >>> See My Writing Portfolio
I thought about what he said. I didn’t think it could be as easy as that, but he was right. I sat down to write and I haven’t stopped since. Here, I share my story. The hardships, the trials, and even the blessings. I write about these experiences so others do not have to feel so alone with whatever they may be going through. No matter what you’re going through, there is something here for everyone! >>> More About Why I Write
Join the Community:
Start Here if… you’re married
- 40 Pieces of Marriage Advice From Over 30 Different Spouses
- 5 Things I Learned in Marriage Counseling
- 50 Balloons of Love
Start Here if… you’re a mom
- My Miscarriage Story
- What it’s Like to be a Mom to a Tubie
- 5 Things I’ve Learned for the Days I Can’t be Supermom
Start Here if… you’re a Military Spouse
- Dear Civilians: What Every Military Spouse Wants You to Know
- Saying Goodbye…
- How I Cope During Deployment
Start Here if… you’re interested in mental Health
- The Secret Life of a Girl With Anxiety
- Living With Anxiety: I do not Think it Means What You Think it Means
- Finding the Courage to go to Counseling
Start Here if… you have a special needs child
- 60+ Facebook Groups for Special Needs Families
- My Little Boy is in Therapy
- Living with SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder)
Start Here if… you or a loved one lives with chronic illness
- Fighting for Answers
- 12 Things to Know When Your Child is in the Hospital
- Pediatric Home Health: What Does an in-home Nurse Actually do?