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5 Ways to Thank a Veteran Besides Saying “Thank You”

Note: I may earn money or products from the companies, products, or links mentioned in this post.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of The Folger Coffee Company. The opinions and text are all mine.

This week everywhere you look there will be sales, discounts, and promotions for Veterans Day. While these can be a good reminder to thank a veteran in your life, there is so much more we can and should do.

Our veterans come from all walks of life. They are parents, grandparents, a sister or brother. They are friends, neighbors, and coworkers.

They live among us, and many of us may never even know that they served. They are humble and yet, they are such an important part of our communities.

Because I believe it’s important to show appreciation to these men and women, here are five ways to show a veteran you’re thankful for them and their service.

5 Ways to Thank a Veteran Besides Saying "Thank You"

Thank a Veteran by…

1. Buying them a meal or paying for their meal at a restaurant. Such a simple thing, yet it shows great love and appreciation.

2. Buying them groceries or going grocery shopping for them. If the veteran you know is elderly, offer to pick up groceries for them.

3. Paying for them to go on a retreat. There are many retreats out there for veterans to help them and their families heal. Help them out by paying for their travel expenses.

4. Rake the leaves in their yard or shovel their driveway. This a great way to get your kids involved in showing appreciation to veterans.

5 Sharing a personal moment with them.
The art of just listening and sharing a moment with the ones we love or appreciate has gone away. This year for Veterans Day, I was inspired by Folgers and Walmart’s “Share a Cup & a Story” program. Their program is based on the idea that in bringing people together to share meaningful moments, we can show we care.

folgers gourmet

What better way to do this than by sitting at a table or getting on the phone with a veteran and a cup of Folgers coffee from Walmart and listening to their story?

So I ran to Walmart, grabbed a pack of Folgers K-cups. I picked Folgers Morning Cafe because I am not a morning person. Folgers coffee is a great way to help me wake up, be ready for the day, and get moving!

coffee cup

After making sure I had plenty of Folgers coffee to go around, I was able to talk with an Air Force veteran named Virginia. I had decided to thank a veteran in a different way: by sharing a moment with one and giving my time to listen to her story. See the questions I asked her and what we talked about below!

Share a Cup & a Story: Meet Virginia

veteran woman



MOS? 71G – medical records

How does talking about your time in the military and your particular story make you feel? “It makes me good and proud that I served in the United States Air Force.”

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned from your military experiences? “I have learned that following instructions is very important. I also learned not to hold back; be all you can be.”

What does Veterans Day mean to you? “For me, it means that people are proud to honor the military. I am proud to be a part of that military as a veteran of 20 years.”

Why do YOU believe it’s important to thank a veteran? “I believe it’s so important to thank them because they put their lives on the line for this country.”

If you could only choose one of these coffee products from Folgers, which would it be? “I would love to have a cup of Folgers classic decaf coffee.”

I am so thankful for Folgers and Walmart’s “Share a Cup & a Story” program. They are helping to shed light on better ways to share our appreciation and time with veterans around the country.

So grab your favorite Folgers Coffee blend and your favorite vet ask them about their story. You never know what amazing things you might learn!

Did You Know?

  • There are approximately 23.2 million military veterans in the United States.
  • 9.2 million veterans are over the age of 65.
  • 1.9 million veterans are under the age of 35.
  • 1.8 million veterans are women.
  • 7.8 million veterans served during the Vietnam War era (1964-1975), which represents 33% of all living veterans.
  • 7.8 million veterans served during the Vietnam War era (1964-1975), which represents 33% of all living veterans.
  • 5.2 million veterans served during the Gulf War (representing service from Aug. 2, 1990, to present).
  • 2.6 million veterans served during World War II (1941-1945).
  • 2.8 million veterans served during the Korean War (1950-1953).
  • 6 million veterans served in peacetime.

Facts from history.com.

What about YOU? Will you say more than a thank you and instead “Share a Cup & a Story”? If you do, I’d love to hear more about it!


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