My Top 10 Military Life Posts
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I have written a lot of posts about military life and deployment on my blog. There are some that still get hundreds of hits from every day and others that have gotten pushed to the background now that new posts have come to life. I thought I would publish this post for people to find the best of the best of my military posts. Enjoy!
1. 40 Long Distance Love Quotes for Deployment
This post is compilation of love quotes I collected and sent to my fiance (now husband) during basic. They are perfect to send to your love during deployment and to get you through the long nights!
2. Dear Civilians: What Ever Military Wife Wants You to Know
This post I wrote during my husband’s first deployment and after hearing many friends talk about their civilian family and friends not understanding military life. A civilian friend interviewed me about military life and these are my answers. Much research was put into this post and it is very thorough.
3. A Military Wife’s Promise
I wrote this during a particularly hard time during my husband’s first deployment. I had found a poem called, “A Military Wife’s Promise” and thought it went perfect with the post. No matter what, I was and still am determined to keep that promise.
4. Encouragement for Deployment
During the first few weeks of my husband’s first deployment, I was discouraged at not being able to talk to him very much. I was wondering how we were supposed to keep our marriage alive during this time. What follows is wonderful encouragement from other military wives that boosted my confidence and got me through to homecoming.
5. Saying Goodbye…
An emotional post I wrote right after my husband left on his first deployment. I write in vivid detail about the day, my emotions and how we said goodbye for 6 months.
6. 5 Things I Learned During Deployment
After my husband’s deployment I realized that I learned a lot of things. This post lists several reasons including how it made my marriage stronger, how it helped me grow as a person, and what you can learn from deployment too.
7. How I Cope During Deployment
In this post I listed things that I did during my husband’s deployment that helped me cope and kept me sane. From exercising, to counseling, to keeping busy – it’s all here.
8. In One Word: Deployment
In this post I talk about everything that I went through during deployment and everything it was teaching me. I realized that God is the one in control and that I needed to leave everything up to Him instead of trying to control things myself.
9. Dear Future Military Wife
After a friend who was a military fiance asked me a couple questions about being married to a military man and what it was like, I decided to write this post. This is for those who have not a clue what to expect. I wish there was something like this around when I was a young military fiance!
10. The Murphy’s Law of Deployment
If you are a military spouse then you know exactly what the Murphy’s Law of deployment is. It’s everything that can possible go wrong during a deployment and while your husband is away and that’s exactly what happened during my first deployment. This is a post about some of those things.
Bonus: Preparing for Deployment
If I had to pick one post that was not included in this list, but that still should have been, it would be this one. This post gives you every possible thing to do before your husband deploys and gives tons of ideas of things to discuss as well. A very helpful guide for those preparing for a deployment.
You know, military wives have it rough. So do military husbands, and fiances. Men are not the only gender serving in the military. I am a female soldier. I miss my two baby boys I had to leave at home, I miss my fiance like crazy. Mostly I miss the tender touch from someone who loves you. From 0400 when I wake up till around 2200 when I can finally sleep, my mind is going crazy with thoughts and images of those that I love. I feel heartbroken and alone. I’m losing motivation everyday because all I want to do is cuddle up in bed with my three men and soak up that beautiful feeling of love and security. I just wish I could find more resources for the female soldier, and coping and advice. I’m just one of thousands of female soldiers. I know I’m not the only one still getting at night out of loneliness and missing loved ones.