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During the first few days of the new year I noticed a lot of people talking about a word they picked that they wanted to use to be their theme for this year. I really liked the idea so I thought about it and decided that my one word for this year will be growth.
I already wrote about some goals I set for this new year (2011), but now I want to write about the areas I know need growth in my life this year. There are so many areas in my life that I need to grow in and I think everyone is always growing and learning and that the growing never stops. But I also think there comes a point where you realize that in order to move on or to get to the place where you want to be you need to grow. And that is me.
Last year, I went through some things that I feel really prepared me for this year. I went through some trials, went through some counseling, and I learned a lot. I grew and started growing toward where I need to be. This year, I want to continue that growth in a whole new way. I want to learn, to challenge and be challenged and to be a whole new person. So what areas to I want to see growth in?
1. I want to grow as a Christian.
I want to grow in my relationship with God. I don’t want to be a lukewarm Christian. I want to have a deep and personal relationship with Christ and I want it to show. I want to do my daily devotions and I want to have the joy of the Lord. I recognize that this does not mean life will be perfect, but it does mean a better lifestyle.
2. I want to grow as a wife.
There are so many ways I need to grow in this area. I need to learn to be encouraging, to not pick fights, to learn when to be silent and when to speak. To learn to be humble, to forgive, to be submissive, and to be the wife God called me to be. I read this quote somewhere awhile back: “You can’t be the mother God called you to be, until you become the WIFE he called you to be.” This is exactly what I need to learn.
3. I want to grow as a mom.
I want to raise godly children and set an example for them by how I live my life and in my marriage. I want to learn to make sacrifices a mother should make, and I want to teach them everything I know. I know I will never be a perfect mother, but I can try to be the best that I can be so that when my children are older they can see and learn from my example.
4. I want to grow as a person.
Altogether I want to grow as a person. In everything I do I want to learn and grow. I want to have better friendships and better relationships. I want to be challenged and convicted to grow and to do things I have not done before. I want to be a better person.
What about you? Did you picked a one-word theme for this year? What is it and why did you pick it? I would love to know!
All I can say is
Mothers Rule of Life!
Talks about the 5 Ps in our life.
Its by Holly Pierlot
Growth…I think that's my resolution every year! It's wonderful to know God is always growing us and never gives up! I found your blog through reading a comment you left on a different blog about finding a personal relationship with Christ. I love finding fellow Christ followers!
I was talking to Ben last night about how I didn't want to get complacent as a person, but especially as a wife. I've been reading a few books lately to help me with this, and then trying to get him to read them too!
Kathryn said…
Good luck! Don't worry, no matter what happens it will be ok. Just think, God already knows what is going to happen!:)
Thanks 🙂 That's what I'm trying to rely on! Well, that and read His mind 😛