Top 10 Posts of 2014
Note: I may earn money or products from the companies, products, or links mentioned in this post.
2014 has been a crazy year. My daughter has had a lot of health issues which led to a total of 7 hospital visits this year alone. Somehow through it all I managed to blog when I had the time. It wasn’t as many posts as other years, but there were still a lot of good ones!

Here are the top 10 posts for this year:
10. Overcoming the 9 Most Overlooked Marriage Threats
My response to a Huffington Post article about marriage that just rubbed me the wrong way. You don’t always have to look at your marriage as something that can or will be “threatened,” but you can be more aware of how to take care of your marriage and help it grow. Here are my thoughts on how to overcome these threats to your marriage.
9. 15 Ways to Keep Your Marriage Strong During Deployment
Keeping your marriage strong is hard work, but keeping your marriage strong during deployment can be even harder because of the distance. Here are 15 unique ways to keep your marriage strong, that you don’t want to miss!
8. How to Plan a Post-Deployment Vacation
When my husband went on his first deployment in 2011, we decided that after he got back we would go on vacation. During the time he was away, I had fun planning our vacation. Planning a post-deployment vacation doesn’t have to be stressful, it can be easy and fun too!
7. 27 Tips for Long Military Deployments and Separations
I polled military spouses on Facebook and asked for their best thoughts and tips for longer deployments and military separations. Here are 27 amazing tips to help you get through that next deployment!
6. 9 Things to Include in Your Sensory Room
We recently made my son an entire sensory room filled with everything to fit his needs. I know there are other parents of sensory children out there and I wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to know how to build your own sensory room too. Here are 9 things you want to include!
5. Slow Cooker Chicken Noodle Soup
I don’t know about you, but I am always in the mood for soup, especially chicken noodle soup! I came across this recipe recently, and decided I would try it. This recipe is one I will be making many many times in the future and one I hope my kids will have fond memories of too!
4. 11 Ways I Made Money with my Blog in 2013
Curious about how I make money blogging? Every person and every blog is different, but here are the ways I have found to be best to make money blogging. I hope that by being transparent with you in showing my earnings, that you too can find more ways to make money blogging that are creative and unique!
3. 6 Things I Wish I had Known About Sex (Before I Got Married)
Aprille is a wonderful writer and she put together what many of us just can’t put to words. I hope that whether you are married or not, that you find this post encouraging and can glean something from the tips!
2. 5 Things I Learned in Marriage Counseling
We started going to marriage counseling this year just to keep our marriage in shape during a tough year. We have learned so much in so little time in marriage counseling, that I thought I would share a few concepts that really helped us. I hope that maybe in sharing them, they will help you too!
1. 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Marriage
A lot of people like to set personal goals, fitness goals, organizational goals and more. But what about goals for your marriage? Your marriage is and should be one of the most important things in your life, shouldn’t it be first on your list of resolutions? Here are 10 ways for you to work on your marriage this coming year!