100+ Tailwind Tribes You Need to Join Today!
Note: I may earn money or products from the companies, products, or links mentioned in this post.
If you’re a blogger, you’ve probably heard about Tailwind by now. I made a Tailwind account several years ago, but it wasn’t until this year that I started to really use it and discover how awesome it is! Between their awesome Pinterest-approved scheduler and the Tailwind Tribes (in beta), this site is an incredible source for growing your blog!
What is Tailwind?
Tailwind is so much more than a way to schedule your pins. You can also discover content, help out other bloggers by pinning their content, launch promotions, and get amazing statistics to analyze your Pinterest account with!
What is a Tailwind Tribe?
Tailwind Tribes are kind of like Pinterest Group Boards. You can join a tribe based on the topic or niche you are looking for. You DO NOT have to have a Tailwind account to join a Tribe, but it definitely helps!
When you join, you will be able to add your pins to each tribe and the bloggers who are in that tribe will be able to add that pin into their tailwind queue and it will be added to your schedule.
You will also need to add content from that tribe into your schedule or to your Pinterest account. Tailwind will keep track of how many pins you have contributed and how many pins you’ve shared to your account from the tribe. You always want your shared numbers to be higher than the number of pins you’ve contributed to that tribe.
This is such a great way to find new bloggers, network, find and pin other content that isn’t just your own, and grow your own numbers on Pinterest and back to your blog! Want a free one-month trial? Click Here.
Ready to Join Some Tailwind Tribes?
Before you do, there are a few things you need to know!
- Follow the rules. Each tribe will have its own rules. Make sure you read and follow these rules or you could be removed from the tribe.
- The majority of the tribes request that you only pin vertical pins and/or high-quality content. Please keep this mind, especially when pinning older content.
- Some of the Tailwind Tribe links below are direct links to join. Others lead to specific posts in Facebook groups where you will have to comment with your email in order to join.
75 Tailwind Tribes for Bloggers
All Topics (11)
Recipes & Food (18)
- Foodies
- Foodie Love
- Foodelicious
- Top Performing Recipes
- Recipes
- Mmmmm Recipes
- BBQ & Grilling Recipes
- All Healthy Vegetarian Recipes
- Food Blogger Friends
- Easy Recipes
- Food & Drink Recipes
- Clean Eating Recipes
- Tasty Food
- Fabulous Food Pinners
- C2E Food
- A Fantastic Foodie – Request to join
- Casseroles
- Food and Drinks and Recipes
Parenting (11)
- Parenting
- Practical Mommy Lifestyle
- Special Needs Parenting
- Everything Baby
- Positive & Peaceful Parenting
- Mommy Blog
- C2E Parenting
- Mom’s the Word
- What Matters to Mommy
- Oh, Baby Baby!
- Mom Blogs
Baby & Kids (7)
- Kid Stuff
- Kid Food Collective
- Kids Crafts
- All for Kids
- Baby & Kids Clothing & Fashion
- Baby Registry and Baby Shower Gift Ideas
- Kids Birthday Party Ideas
Blogging & Business (4)
Books (3)
- Travel
- Family Travel
- Travel Photography
- Travel Pinspiration
- Top Travel Destinations & Tips
- Traveler’s Tips *
- C2E Travel *
- Travel: The World at Large
- _Travel_
- Best Travel Tailwind Tribe – Request to Join
Faith (4)
Fashion (4)
- Female Fashion Bloggers – Request to Join
- Style Tribe: Fashion & Beauty
- “Over 40” Fashion Bloggers
- Fashion & Beauty Tribe
Money & Finances (3)
Homeschooling (5)
- FNW Homeschool
- Parenting & Homeschool
- Christian Bloggers Homeschool
- Secular Homeschool Happy
- Homeschool CHEER
Home (10)
- Home Design & DIY
- DIY & Home Decor
- Homemakers
- Keeping it Clean
- Free Printables
- C2E Green Living
- Pet Care & Advice
- The Best DIY Projects & Home Decor
- Organizing, Planning, & Printables
- Planners Pinning Planners
DIY & Crafts (7)
- DIY Bloggers
- DIY & Crafts
- All Things Crafty
- Crafty Bloggers
- DIY Beauty
- Favorite Blogger Projects
- Sewing for Kids & Babies & More
Miscellaneous (7)
- Personal Growth
- Mental Health
- Photography Tips
- Everything YOGA
- Family-Friendly Quotes & Memes
- All Things Disney
- Party Ideas
- Love the Outdoors
What do YOU think? Are you on Tailwind?
If you would like to add your Tailwind Tribe to this list, please contact me here.
I have never heard of “Tailwind tribes” but now I have, thank you! I am so glad to have read this post. I have been spending this weekend setting up my Pinterest account for my Blog and wondering how one gets to join these groups. I will have to check it out…
I’m so glad I could help. Tailwind is an awesome way to grow your account!
I love Tailwind! I have a Foodie/DIY blog I would love to add: https://www.tailwindapp.com/dashboard/tribes/1591
Hi Kelly, Thanks for sharing! Think link doesn’t work. Could you send me your admin link that you can copy and paste directly in Tailwind? Thanks!
Not sure which link?
Is it this link?
The second one. Thank you!
None of the direct links to the tribes are adding me to a tribe the pull up the landing page, then you click join and it doesn’t add you to a tribe just redirects you to the ones you already have.
Hey Danielle,
Yes, I was contacted by Tailwind to fix the links. I need the share link from each admin because copying and pasting it apparently doesn’t work. Could you send me the share link for yours?
I’m excited to join these tribes once the links have been fixed, as I can’t join any of them either! I’d love to be included in this list as well. I have a brand new Tribe called “Moms the Word” and it’s for all things mom! Here’s the link to join: https://www.tailwindapp.com/tribe/join?d=eyJpdiI6ImVVUVBxUVwvM2FvaVRSTmJvSjFIdzR3PT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IlNJNGdZTjdCRG5BTWFUNTFreWxGanhFRUtoTFpRZzEyVytoZU1NQjJjdFd2WDFraVU5YlQzbkVxVXVLRVh0MzgyXC9QSWc5aGFGMW42bTQ2Wkxuakl3cDVcL20rdWduYW50bGRcL0R6YU0rak1RPSIsIm1hYyI6ImI2MmYyMWNjMjgyZWEyM2FjZThiNDUyZGZjYzIxZmViYjUzMDBkNzQzZDZjZGQxNDljZTQwMzA5NGZlNmIzYzMifQ%3D%3D
Hi Karly,
I’ve been updating the list as I get the new links. Some of them should be good to go! Thanks for the link, I’m going to add it now!
PS Thank you for including my homeschool tribe!
Awesome and thank you for including my tribe in your list. I appreciate it.
Of course!
Oh neat! I just started using Tailwind and hadn’t heard of tailwind tribes before – I’ll have to check these out!
Yes, definitely! They are fun and easy to use too. 🙂
Thanks, this is so helpful! I’ve been using tailwind for almost a year now but had no idea about the power of tribes. So excited to give it a whirl.
Do you have the fixed link to the weddings tribe/group? Thanks!
No problem, glad to help! <3 I don't have a direct link, but you can request to join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pinterestboards/permalink/1269141506438803/?match=dHJpYmU%3D
Thanks Kathryn for the update! Doh, the link is still not working. What is the name of the group so that I can look it up on facebook? Thanks!
Which one is not working?
The weddings link in the article and the one you provided in the comments says unauthorized viewing. It doesn’t work 🙁 Would you be able to provide the FB group name and I’ll look it up? Thanks so much.
Yes, you just have to join the group and then that link will work. Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pinterestboards/
This list is CRAZY awesome! Thank you so much Kathryn!
Of course! So glad it helps!
I own a tribe called All things beautiful. All Topics
Awesome, thank you!
Thanks for a great list! Here’s mine. It’s for moms with toddlers. Feel free to add mine to your list! https://www.tailwindapp.com/tribes/accept?id=75749&utm_source=tribe&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=tribes-alpha
Awesome, thanks!
Hi, Thanks for the tip about the tribes, I didn’t know about them.
Can you recommend (or tell me where to find) yoga, meditation, life coaching tribes? Thank you very much in advance!
I’m so glad this was helpful for you! I’m not sure if there are any, but you can try to ask in this group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pinterestboards/
Hi Kathryn, Thanks for your reply. The facebook link is not working…
Hey Kathryn, thanks for sharing these, we have joined a few boards and are finding them really useful. We have also started our own tribe for people passionate about personal development, self improvement, positivity, happiness, consciousness, LOA, success, quotes, spirituality, wellness… Here is the invitation link, anyone in this space is welcome https://www.pinchmeliving.com/tailwindtribe Thanks
Thanks so much for this list! I have a tribe called “Healthy Busy Mommas” that I just started. Would love to get some participation!
Thank you!
Ooops! Forgot to leave my link! https://www.tailwindapp.com/dashboard/tribes/2705
Hi there, I need the long link to your group in order for people to join it. You should be able to find it under your account. Thanks!
I think this is it! Thank you!
Hi Kathryn!! Thanks so much for putting together this great list of Tailwind tribes!! I love Tailwind. It is such a great resource for bloggers to work together. 🙂 Here is my Tailwind tribe. All are welcome to join! Check it out at http://www.whatmatterstomommy.com/tailwind
Would love if you could add my new Tailwind Tribe – Oh Baby Baby! It’s for parenting, baby, kids, moms, adoption pins. Anything and everything baby!
Thank you, you are now added to the list!
I started a tribe for small businesses
Things to share:
– Your Products
– Other People Products
– Blog posts about running a small business
– Social Media tips in relation to running a small business (including blogging)
Link: https://www.tailwindapp.com/tribe/join?d=eyJpdiI6Im81YUNCejBjM0tDTEFRNmRTK2NjMnc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoieWVFRm5WQXJiQVNBWXJObEsycGpRMVQ5XC8zVnpMemdKRHlKeFEyZmlMQTF5SVdDNlRRK2xsVkV4VlVmZUlFRWsyNFNUMldrNmFLamJySzY2NUMrenE3QlBibWpBck9sclJxK2JNcHBWOHFZPSIsIm1hYyI6IjM1YmZjMDJlZGNmODY2MjU0ODlmNGFkNDFkM2M5NzA2MzA0YWE1MjYwYjc1MzBlYzU3ZmIyNTZiMDdlMWRjODcifQ%3D%3D
I would love to be added to the list.
Added, thanks!
My brand new one is Planners Pinning Planners for everything planner related! Thanks, and thank you for posting this great resource!!!
Of course, glad to help!
I don’t know if the link posted in time. Planners Pinning Planners: https://www.tailwindapp.com/tribe/join?d=eyJpdiI6IlJwSzkrZFV4cXR2STlKTXl6andOVmc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiNkxWZDdZOUZBUFFWRTZHYTdaTUFkb2h2aGUrS1cwbHZXYUJnOFlBTmNTTTVwRWRTOEplWHE0RkF6TTMyNkVxaDhXU0Q5MW9udVRkN09xNGNQVGphYTFsZHhvaFdYT0d5ZVhhMEhTdkZWWTg9IiwibWFjIjoiZDUyYjZmZTg3YjMyNjkwZjY1MzE2MjhhYzQwODBiZDI4Zjc3ZmQ3YjYwODM4YWNkNTE1MDVlNzM5MDE0YWJhZiJ9
Not too late. Adding it now! 🙂
Hi, most of these links took me to a FB page or didn’t work. 🙁 I was able to join two tribes though – thanks!
The ones that take you to a Facebook group mean you have to go and join the group and then go to that link and request to join the tribe from there.
Hello Kathryn, thank you for including my Tailwind Tribe, Female Fashion Bloggers to this list. Anyone who wants to join can request access using this form https://goo.gl/forms/fukGkxGAfeYxTlWy2 I personally review everyone who wants to join the Tribe. Thank you.
Thanks for letting me know, I will add that form!
Thank you! 🙂
Thanks! This was very helpful. I have been looking for a tribe list!!
So glad it was helpful!! <3
I would love to add mine… https://www.tailwindapp.com/tribe/join?d=eyJpdiI6Ik1YVEFmV3pyZFVoRnJadnhnVUZBbHc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiOHNxN3dsRFwvOHlMamJ6bndjYXpCRitjT3FBbzg5WmJcL1BWRTdPUUJhNWFGRXVlV0NnN2RqQkllZU9IMmdrM3ErUXhyN0FBWUlHaDZuSGJ6bmFVRFBoQnI1TGlJNlRMV2RQMnNzUk9qcm9scz0iLCJtYWMiOiIwOGZlN2FiZWE3MDMzMWU3ZDllZjY1MmRlZjhkOTRlNmM2MGZlOWZjZmFlZTIyNzViYmJmNjgyNmVmYmIyNDFiIn0%3D Thanks! It is an all topic tribe. Name is Pinterest Friends
Awesome! Thank you so much!
Kathryn, thank you for this post, it is SO helpful! I have a Tailwind tribe I would like to share if you wouldn’t mind adding it. It’s “Paleo and Gluten-free Lifestyle” and here is the link: https://www.tailwindapp.com/tribe/join?d=eyJpdiI6InNSS3hEN3RqNVUzZWIya3ZNXC9nZmVRPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6Inc2enBLVHNzaXZWUlU1QjBcL0o0SnhQZ1p5aDA4NjhhY1V4Qngxc1wvaUhJYjBydXpLdjRJZTdVcjE1SnpTcWtpZGpOaHltampCeUpXTkFMaDJsRWVTb3lHTjIydERtR2xhellsMXdKWWNNZlk9IiwibWFjIjoiYWM4MTI4MDM3OWM1MTFiZTc1ZTE4ZjkzY2RlN2EwYTgwNDBhMmZiYmEzZjM5NjFlYmE4NmYwN2Q1NDNjMWViMSJ9
So glad it was helpful. I added it now! 🙂
I kept hearing about this but I was unsure how to access them. Thank you for posting this. I’ve already joined four, and created my own which is in desperate need for new people to join!
Awesome, I’m glad to help! Will be adding yours now. 🙂
Hi Kathyrn,
I was actually looking for some Tribes to join. I joined one and bookmarked this page so I can join some others later.
Thanks for sharing, made my job easier than browsing the Internet or looking on Facebook Groups.
Have a great one.
SO glad it was helpful to you. I update it often!
nice post dear