
What “Singing Through the Rain” Means to Me

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At first, when I was trying to come up with a name for my site, I wanted it to be something fun and catchy. I see everyone else with really creative names for their blog and I wanted to do the same! Because I love to sing, I decided to use that word or a form of that word in my title. The more I thought about it, the more my idea evolved. I started thinking that “Singing Through the Rain” could stand for pressing on and being positive amid and in spite of all the trials I’ve been through in my life. It represents me singing through the rain of life. Through all the trials I’ve been through. Through the hard things that happen in life.

Singing Through the Rain

I started this blog for several reasons. One, I wanted a place to write that was more professional. I love writing and I needed a place to practice writing that was more professional and less journal-like. My goal is to eventually write for a magazine and hopefully write a book or two!

Over the years, Singing Through the Rain has become so much more than “just a blog.” It has become my home. It has taught me how to write. It has brought me places I never imagined I would go and helped me meet people I never thought I would meet.

But life is hard and while this blog is about singing through the hard times, that doesn’t mean that life isn’t hard. That at times I won’t be bitter. That sometimes I won’t want to be positive or sing through the rain – my trials. But I think that’s the point. Life isn’t easy, it’s about the journey you take and what you learn along the way.

So my question to you is this: Will you walk this journey with me? Will you too, learn to sing through the rain?

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