7 Reasons Why I Won’t Follow You on Twitter
Note: I may earn money or products from the companies, products, or links mentioned in this post.
If you are a blogger or a big fan of social media, you probably already know that Twitter can be frustrating. While I don’t have an excessive amount of followers on Twitter (4,000+), I sometimes feel like I have figured out the secret to growing a good following on Twitter and I have written about this before: My Twitter Strategy.
However, over and over I see a lot of people making the same few mistakes on Twitter. This leads me to believe that some people just don’t realize that what they are doing is hurting their follower count. If you are trying to grow your Twitter following, but wonder why others aren’t following you, keep on reading to see if you are making any of these vital mistakes!
Why I Won’t Follow You on Twitter:
1. Your Bio Isn’t Filled Out.
One of the things that drive me crazy is when someone’s bio is completely empty. This is one of the most important things you can have filled in on Twitter and you don’t want to leave it empty! If I go to someone’s profile and I can’t figure out who they are or what niche they are in, that’s a problem. I won’t follow them because I don’t know if their content is something I am wanting to read or not.
If this is you, fill up that bio section! Convince people why they need to follow you and share a little bit about yourself and why you tweet. Here’s a few tips to get you started: How to Write a Professional Twitter Bio | How to Write Your Twitter Bio Like a Boss.
2. You Tweet way too Much.
When I am looking for people to follow on Twitter, I am looking for people who share great content! However if you are posting every 5 minutes, I am going to be annoyed. You do want to tweet a lot, but be considerate of your followers. I have unfollowed several people that broke this rule.
If this is you, change your scheduling or live tweeting to be every 1-3 hours. This way you are still tweeting out enough content, but it’s not overpowering. I have mine set to every 3 hours and I believe that time frame has worked well for me.
3. You Don’t Tweet Enough.
The opposite of the above point is also true. If you don’t tweet enough, then what is the point of me following you? I go through every few months and unfollow any inactive Twitter accounts. I also unfollow anyone that hasn’t posted in the last 1-3 months. If you aren’t active enough, then there really is no point in me or anyone else following you.
If this is you, work on tweeting more. If you’re overwhelmed, try out a scheduler that will do most of the work for you. Remember: the more you tweet, the more followers you will get.
4. Your Feed is Full of the Same Tweet Over and Over.
One of the most annoying things I see are people tweeting the same thing over and over. Yes, it’s nice to thank people for following you, but if I scroll down and all I see for days on end are just tweets thanking people, then I won’t follow you. There’s also a lot of accounts that have a profile filled with tweets that say how many followers they’ve gained. Again, if that’s all I can see when I scroll through, then you just lost a potential follower.
If this is you, be careful with how often you are doing this. Look at your personal feed and make sure that you have other tweets mixed in. Thanking people is nice, but remember to tweet great content too!
5. Your Feed Only has Links Back to your Instagram or Blog.Â
Automatic tweeting of content is great, but constant self-promotion is not. If your blog is set to automatically tweet out blog posts, but you don’t do any other posing or retweeting of any kind, I won’t follow you. Same thing goes for Instagram. If you have it set to automatically post every Instagram photo to Twitter, and you don’t post anything else then what’s the point? I will unfollow and possibly follow you on Instagram instead if I really want to see your content.
If this is you, look at your feed and make sure it’s not full of automatic tweets. If you only post on Instagram, then think about deleting your Twitter account and working on gaining followers on Instagram instead. Twitter is a lot more than self-promotion. It’s a way to learn from others and curate great content!
6. Your Tweets are Boring or Inappropriate.Â
There’s nothing I hate more than going to someone’s Twitter account and seeing boring content that no one cares about or blatantly inappropriate content. If you are a professional, inappropriate content is a no-no.
If this is you, think about what your followers want. Are the links you are tweeting things they would be interested in? If not, why are you tweeting them? It may be time to re-think your own Twitter strategy!
7. You’re Not in my Niche.
It’s nothing personal, but if you aren’t in my niche then I’m not going to follow you. Believe it or not, that’s okay! You want targeted followers who love what you are going to tweet because it applies to them and their niche.
If this is you, make sure that your niche is evident by your bio, description, and tweets. It might not be the right niche for everyone, but if your profile is optimized you’ll get the right people to follow you.
Looking for more Twitter tips? Check out these two links:
What about YOU? Are there any reasons you might not follow someone?Â
Great read, definitely some things I still need to work on ☺
Thanks! Hope it helps. 🙂
This was a really interesting read. I am really struggling to get to grips with Twitter, and it’s a shame because I think it can be a real asset to a blogger. I post every 1-2 hours, but mainly links! I may need to come up with some fresh content xx
Good luck!! 🙂
This was very helpful. I just started my Twitter account to help with my blog and this has given me some real insight.
I’m so glad!!
Thanks for your tips! Twitter is admittedly my most hated social media platform so I completely neglect it. I basically just have it connected to tweet my posts when they go live and that’s it. I just haven’t gotten into it at all and now I’m a ::little:: more inspired to dig in and get to know twitter a bit more. 🙂 Thanks! I know I really need to work on being great at all the social media platforms!
I know, Twitter used to be the one I hated most too. But now, I have come to understand it a little better and it’s not all bad. 😉
This is amazing advice for a newbie like me. I just realized it was time to take the plunge, so this info is great!
So glad it was helpful. Good luck!
I have a hard time finding balance in tweeting – thank goodness for buffer! I think it’s also important to note the niche factor – I get a lot of random people who follow me, I assume wanting me to follow back, but they have nothing to do with my niche!
Yes, a lot of random people will follow, but I don’t worry about them and I don’t follow them back unless they are in my niche or I enjoy their content.
Thanks for sharing these posts, really useful info about twitter – constantly trying to work out how twitter works, this post has helped x thanks
No problem and good luck!
Lots of great advice here. I also think it’s great to follow people in your niche, or who you share some sort of interest with. When I started on twitter I followed anyone and everyone who followed me and ended up with a bunch of super spammy people in my feed then had to spend a lot of time clearing them out.
Yes! I have never done the follow for follow thing because of that very thing. It’s crazy how many spammy accounts there are on Twitter too.
Great tips! I will definitely take them into consideration when it comes to promoting my blog on Twitter. Thank you for the advice.
No problem and good luck!