Dealing with Stress During Deployment
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Today I have Natalie -a guest poster from She has come up with some great tips on how to deal with stress during deployment which is something I’m sure all of us military wives can relate to!
When a loved one leaves for deployment, it is never easy. Not only do you usually struggle with the adjustment of not having your spouse there, but your kids often act out too. Upset children and being required to do everything solo can seem like too much to handle at times, and you are often stressed beyond all reason. However, this incredible level of stress doesn’t have to become your way of life simply because you are doing it alone. There are several easy ways to reduce your stress levels to make deployment a little more bearable:
Give Yourself a Little TLC
While you may find that creating the time for some pampering is impossible, it is a must. If you have to, hire a babysitter or dump the kids off on those willing to help for just a few hours. Pampering yourself with a manicure, pedicure, or a massage can do wonders for you and will quickly reduce stress. Not only that, but giving yourself a little TLC will also help you feel and look better which will be sure to boost your mood.
Get Creative
Art is a great way to sooth your stress when your spouse is deployed, and can keep your mind occupied for hours. Even better is that if you have children you can all do it together, allowing you to not only ease your minds but also get some quality time together. Good projects include painting, creating cards for your deployed loved one and other troops to thank them for their service, and just about anything else that allows you and your kiddos to get messy. If you find yourself stumped when trying to come up with ideas, simply look online or visit sites like Pinterest for project ideas.
Think Natural
You don’t necessarily have to be doing something to de-stress. Simply incorporating a few natural anti-stress remedies into your daily routine can do wonders. In the morning, dab your wrists with all-natural lavender oil. During the day, drink a warm cup of chamomile tea to calm your nerves, and at night, light a lavender scented candle to help you relax.
Be Social
Just because you are the only one left in the house doesn’t mean you need to isolate yourself. Being social naturally reduces our stress levels because it releases oxytocin, the happy hormone. So when you are feeling stressed don’t be afraid to reach out to others through email, Facebook, or other social media sites for a quick break. If you have friends or family in your area, also be sure to plan a ladies night out or the occasional lunch date so that you can have time just to talk and relax.
Life is no easy task when your loved one is deployed, but is doesn’t have to be several months of nothing but overwhelming stress. Remember to take care of yourself properly. Allow yourself to play and to be pampered on occasion and deployment should be easier to handle.
Natalie is a content writer for the Veterans United Military Family Network. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from the University of Missouri- Go Tigers! In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, any genre of live music, and watching and playing sports. She takes life one day at a time and is grateful for her many blessings.