Deployment Idea 1# – Daddy Jelly Bean Jar
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I have a ton of ideas for deployment I can’t wait to share with you. Some are big ideas and others are not so big. But they are all things you can do during deployment for your spouse or to make the time pass by quickly. This first one I have, did not work out as well as I thought it would, but I made it work, and am excited to see what my husband thinks!
It’s called, “Best Daddy Ever Beans” and the idea is originally from The Dating Divas who are chock-full of awesome ideas! The one they featured was honestly a lot better then mine, so feel free to go over there and check out their ideas too! The jelly bean jar idea was originally for Father’s Day, but when I saw it I thought it would make a great present to stick in a care package. Even if you don’t have kids you could still put what the colors mean and still make it fun.
What You Need:
1. A mason jar or some kind of plastic jar. (See The Dating Divas for more ideas)
2. Jelly Belly jelly beans (Enough to fill your jar)
3. Print-out from The Dating Divas – “Best Daddy Ever Print Out”
4. Scissors.
5. Tape or glue.
How to Make:
It’s pretty simple as you can see from the pictures!
1. Pour the jelly belly beans in your jar and fill to the top. Seal tightly.
2. Cut out your print-out. (I cut out the Father’s Day part)
3. Tape or glue your print-out to the jar. (The Dating Divas suggested getting the print-out laminated. I didn’t but it probably would have been a lot easier if I had!) Put one on one side and the other on the other side.
4. Ship in a care package to daddy!
Piece of cake right? I am not a very crafty person so if you figure out any easier ways to do this, let me know! Here is my finished one:

Very cute idea! I wish I’d had better ideas for the care packages I sent – mine seem pretty boring now! 🙂
haha these aren’t all my ideas I get them from others! I’m sure yours are great! 🙂
What a cute idea! My husband’s supervisor is currently deployed. He filled 2 mason jars (1 for his wife & 1 for his daughter) with the # of hershey kisses for every day he is away. Every day they each get a “kiss” from Daddy/Husband. I really liked that one!
Thank you! Yes, I have seen that idea going around Pinterest! I think we will try that next deployment, I think it’s very sweet. 🙂