All about my Pregnancy!

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Week 22 today:
PregnancyI have been thinking recently a lot about my pregnancy, and want to remember all the details that I can. So I thought I would write a blog post about some of the things I have gone through in my pregnancy so far, and I would love to hear your pregnancy stories as well!

Getting Pregnant:
We got married in December 2008, and were not planning on trying to have children right away. We waited until about April 2009, and we decided to start trying. I went to the OB for my yearly exam in June, and she had me start taking Folic Acid pills, and I do think that helped a lot. There were a few times that I thought I was pregnant, because I was just so excited, but it didn’t actually happen until July. Unfortunately, I miscarried and we had to decide whether to wait a while or to continue to keep trying. We waited a month and then decided to not get discouraged and keep trying. At the end of September, I took a home pregnancy test after a missed period. It came back negative. I tried not to be disappointed, and waited to get my period. A few days later I decided to try again with a home pregnancy test, and it was negative again. I continued to wait not knowing what to do and a week later I took one more pregnancy test, with a positive! The day I found out was October 1, 2009. My husband and I were so happy, but we both decided to wait until our first appointment to announce it and make sure that this baby was going to make it. We did tell our parents and had them praying the whole time.
Finding out I had Hypothyroidism:
A few weeks after I found I was pregnant I also found out I had Hypothyroidism. We were so worried about all this affecting the baby, and I went to a specialist and got on medication right away. Thankfully, we caught it in time and they told us they were surprised I even go pregnancy because when not medicated hypothyroidism can cause difficulty in getting pregnant. We knew it was meant to be though, and are so thankful it all worked out.
First Doctor’s Visit and Ultrasound:
On October 23rd, we had our first Doctor’s visit to see the baby! I was so excited to see my little one and I was hoping everything was going to look good. I did not get to hear the heartbeat, but I did get to see it, and it was so exciting to see such a little thing beating! Even though it was my 8 week appointment, the baby measured at 6 weeks. Which was fine, they said I probably just got my dates wrong, and went by that instead of the date of my last period. The Due date the gave me was June 15th, 2010.
Morning Sickness:
For awhile I thought I was going to be one of the lucky ones to miss the morning sickness, but soon after my appointment around 9 weeks, I started feeling so nauseous all the time. Luckily I never got sick, but the nausea lasted all day long. As for eating during this time, nothing ever appealed to me, and a lot of things made me gag or dry heave. Thing such as smelling food at the grocery store, or looking at dirty dishes, really started me in the gagging/dry heaving. I think at that time my husband thought I was absolute crazy! Just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore with the nausea and living on crackers and popsicles, around week 12 it started to ease up and I got my appetite back!
Starting to Show:
At week 12 I realized it was not just me, and I was starting to show! I was so excited, and since then I have taken a belly picture every couple of weeks! I also started giving pregnancy updates through the by posting a picture of the fruit size that the baby would be as big as each week! It has been a lot of fun! Here are the corresponding links to all my baby bump pictures:
The picture above and this one is Week 22 today:
Strange Dreams & Stomach Aches:
I don’t know when it exactly started, I think it was around the beginning around week 12-15, but I started having the strangest dreams! I know that it is normal because of the hormones, but my husband and I have had a few good laughs of the dreams I have had. I even had one about my husband liking another woman! I had a few dreams about the baby one about having a girl, and one about having a boy. I had a few scary dreams about the baby dying, and I know it is just nerves. I don’t know how long these crazy dreams will last, but hopefully not too long! I also started getting stomach aches a lot. I thought it was from the medicine I take for my thyroid, but we found out it was just the pregnancy. I thought it was weird because I can count on one hand the number of times I have gotten stomachaches in my life, and these had me in bed, barely able to walk. I talked to my Doctor, and she said it’s not something that happens to everyone, but it’s not abnormal either. I felt better after that, and I haven’t had any in quite awhile now.
We all know that pregnancy woman get some crazy cravings, but so far I haven’t had anything too weird. Through the pregnancy I the things I have craved the most are:
Especially, apples and strawberries! I am not an apple person, but I have eaten quite a few during this pregnancy. The strawberries have been amazing. I can eat a whole pack in two days by myself!
The funny thing about this is, I do not really like popcorn. We have had several boxes of packages of microwave popcorn that my in-laws had given us, and they had sat in he cabinet up until now. Now I think there is only one package left!
I cannot tell you how many times I have craved pizza! I seem to never get enough and have some whenever I can! Either frozen or fresh!
Most recently, I have been craving chocolate and anything sweet I can get my hands on. After seeing a commercial for Kit Kats on tv, I knew I must have one! So I asked my husband to get one for me on the way home, not only did he bring me a Kit Kat, but he also brought me reeses and snickers!! I tried making some snickerdoodles, since they are very sweet as well, but they didn’t come out as well!
I remember exactly the first time I felt the baby kick. I was at 16 weeks, and I wasn’t sure if it was the baby or just bubbles or something! But now I as it continues to be more and more, I am sure that was the first time. We still can’t really feel him kick on the outside yet, and my husband is anxious to feel him so I hope it is soon, but I definitely can feel him almost all the time now!
Finding Out the Gender and Announcing Names:
On January 28, 2010, we were able to have my ultrasound and find out what the gender was! We found out it was a boy, and the pictures were so clear and easy to see, I was so thankful! Adam was moving all around and kicking and was really awake! Everything was looking good, but there was one thing with the heart they will be double checking in March with another ultrasound. They told me it’s nothing to worry over, so I am thinking it is just a precaution. I did not cry at the ultrasound and neither did my husband, but of course we were so happy! My husband is very excited to be having a boy since that is what he really wanted first, and even though I wanted a girl first, I am happy to be having this little boy, already love him dearly!
The crying stage must have started now, because I find myself often crying over silly things such as spilling some juice I was trying to make on the floor. My poor husband doesn’t know what to do with me! He is good though and takes it all in stride. I am surprised it has not started before this, because I had heard women were emotional throughout the entire pregnancy.
Back Pain:
The back pain has definitely made its way these past few weeks, and is getting worse. I called my doctor today for some suggestions, because I am having trouble sleeping from it. I had sclerosis before the pregnancy which made my spine already curved in, and now with the baby popping out my spine is curved in so bad. I now that back pain is normal, and I am trying to take it in stride, because I know I still have a ways to go.
Well this is how my pregnancy has been so far. I am at 22 weeks so I am sure more is to come! At the end I will have to make another post about the rest. I would love to hear your pregnancy stories, about things that happened to you, or funny cravings, just leave me a comment!

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  1. That is such a beautiful post. How wonderful that you will be able to remember all of what it was like during the pregnancy, and be able to share it with Adam when he wants to hear about it. I look forward to the next installment!

  2. Great idea, you will love having this to look back on! I need to do this before I forget everything about my pregnancies — I am 99.9% sure the girls will want to hear about it! 😀

  3. It is a great to record things. I don't remember a lot about my pregnancy. I was teaching full time in new school and was overwhelmed by it. I do remember the kicking under my ribs and not showing for a long time.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I think I've been pretty blessed during this pregnancy, nothing major in the "symptoms" department for me. I haven't had any back pain, but my left ribs (which is where the baby's head is) hurt a whole heck of a lot when I'm sitting (hunched over) for too long. I don't think I've really had too many cravings myself. Although, I absolutely LOVE fruit as well (I did pre-pregnancy, but so much more now). The main thing I eat, however, is cereal (no matter the time of day). If nothing sounds appetizing I turn to cereal, and it's always so delicious. haha.

    I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly for you.

  5. I've been recording a lot of stuff about my pregnancy all the way throughout so I don't forget. Other than the due date discrepancy our pregnancies sound a LOT alike. Our cravings are SOOOO identical so now I'm wondering if our baby is a boy too! I just have this gut feeling it's a girl and I can't shake it!

    Only 11 weeks along so can't feel the baby move yet but hoping to soon! LOVE reading your blog Kathryn and so glad that we are friends!

  6. Stopping by from SITS! I love being pregnant. I have a 9-1/2 year old and a 7 year old so it's been a while but it goes by so fast. Enjoy this time! Congrats!

  7. You look GREAT in your pictures– and I love that yellow top you're wearing in the first one.

    You will be so happy you chronicled your pregnancy like this, taking note of even the smallest details… once the baby arrives, it's hard to remember these days, and this will help you look back on it all with a smile!

    Confessions From A Working Mom

  8. I LOVED this post!! it's so fun seeing someone who's just a couple of weeks ahead of me! You look so much bigger than me to me! I like your bump more! haha, congrats on your baby boy!

    I CAN feel Spawnie from the outside, it's such a cool feeling, hubby felt him too at about 18 weeks, I'm worried that means she's going to be HUGE! haha! She seems normal size for now though. How much have you gained so far? I've only gained 3lbs!! My OB says I need to gain more, I'm trying! haha.

    Ok this comment is long enough 🙂 I'm coming out of my stalking shell!

  9. Pregnancy is so beautiful! I just love your lil bump! 🙂

    I craved fruit too! And cereal for some reason, lol. 🙂

  10. My daughter is almost eight years old and your post reminds me when I was pregnant, too 🙂 What an amazing moment in a woman's life !

    God bless your 22nd week 🙂

  11. When I was pregnant, I got three negative test! I was determined I was not pregnant that it was just my cycle messing up because I had stopped taking birth control to get ready to try, but around 8 weeks with still NO period. I took one more due to my nurse mom making me and surprise! it was positive 🙂 i sometimes miss being pregnant, but i love hearing your stories! I can only handle my one lovely girl at the moment with full time school on top! congratulations and i hope your pregnancy goes well. i'll be keeping up with it through your blog. (i want to be a LND nurse)

  12. The first time I got pregnant, I had a miscarriage early on. Because of problems I'd had getting pregnant, I bought a book (Taking Charge of your Fertility). I got pregnant 3 months later…and I demanded a thyroid panel. Why? Because in that book, they mentioned 20 symptoms of hypothyroidism. I had 18…SOLID, consistent symptoms. My doctor called me 2 days later to tell me my "hunch" was right. I've been on thyroid meds since then (2000). They speculate that I lost my first baby because of they hypothyroidism.

    Good for you for taking care of it. It MAY go away after pregnancy…I've seen it happen with a few of my friends.

  13. Hello-
    Greetings from the island of Bali-
    this is my first visit…
    and i really love your articles..
    i think i can get more lessons here..
    thanks for sharing..
    dont forget to visit me back…
    see you…

  14. Wow..I love this post..thanx for sharing all the wonderful things you've experienced..seems like you have everything journaled! One thing that stodd out for me were the strange dreams..I've had them too and wished I had had journaled them for the sake of good laughs down the road. I dreamed that my in-laws came to see my belly and when I pulled my bliuse up…my stomach was all deformed and what looked like guts were hanging out lol. They still told me that it looked beautiful hahaha..I know weird. I've also have been clumsy lately..3 days ago I seemed to drop everything in the kitchen..ahhhh the clean up was not fun and I did almost loose it tears and all but got myself together. My husband simply smirked a little and asked if I was ok. Gald ot know I'm not the only "3 year old" right now lol. Continue to enjoy this beautiful journey my friend<3


  15. I once cried over not having anymore hot chocolate in the house. Like REALLY cried. I drank a cup of it every night from around 20 weeks until way after Maddy was born. But that night I reached in the box to grab a packet and there weren't any! If I had known I was out I would have gone to the store that day but there I was a 10 pm without my hot chocolate and I just cried and cried. Hubby had to go out to Walmart for it. Crazy! But great memories!!
    I will be praying for your back!

  16. This was so fun to read! Your baby bump is so cute. 🙂

    RYC: Yeah, I can do that. I'll copy over my Xanga posts to my other blog for you to read. I transferred one this afternoon. It's below my latest song of the day blog entry.

  17. Ah the dreams, I think I've had the craziest ones with this pregnancy, than any of my previous 4! I've woken up furious with my husband and a sweet friend of mine because of the vivid dreams lol. It only took me a minute to remember it was a dream and not something that actually happened! LOL

    One thing that showed up with my 3rd pregnancy that I'd never had in my life was heartburn, it showed up at week 20, then suffered pregnant and not pregnant…but I've barely had it with this pregnancy and I'm sooo thankful.

    Keep taking those pictures too, you'll be so happy you did!

  18. I too tested negative on 3 home pregnancy test. I was preganant with Sam for 2 month untill a blood test told us we were prego.

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