Getting Ready for Baby
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In the approximately seven weeks I have left until Adam comes, I have realized that there is so much more still to do before he comes! I so want everything to be done and perfect, and I know that’s not always possible, but I have come up with a sort of to-do list of things to help me in getting ready for baby in the next seven weeks!
1. Finish my Birth Plan
I know that having a birthing plan is good, because it helps you know what you want and not have to worry about things when the time comes. I also know that depending on the situation, things won’t always work out how you planned them. Knowing all this, I am still working on a birth plan that a friend told me about on It has everything I need to think about the birth, and a few things I am still trying to figure out. I plan on going over it with a friend, but it’s still something I need to do, and soon!
2. Wash and Organize all his Clothes
I was so blessed to get so many clothing items for Adam at my shower! The bad thing is doing all that laundry! I have gotten some of it done, but there is still piles of it left to be done as well. Plus I need to wash his little sheets! I also want to organize all his clothes by size in his closet, so that I know where everything is, and I will know how much I have of each size. So, first I have to finish washing his clothes, than it’s on to organizing them!
3. Organize all his Gifts and Toys
Again, we were blessed with so many nice gifts and toys for Adam at his shower. Some things I will need to put away for later, others I need to find a place for. Right now they are scattered about his room, waiting for me to find just the right place for each and every one of them!
4. Finish up his Room
Lots to do for this one. I still need to finish his crib by getting all the sheets washed and putting in everything that is going to go in it. We bought a small book shelf so we need to set that up, and buy some more books for it! I want my baby to love books at a young age! We also have a few more things to hang on the wall, one we finished and made ourselves, and it is my husband’s variation of hanging the letters of the baby’s name on the wall.
We bought the letters the wooden background, and made and painted ourselves, my husband is so proud of it! We hung it over the crib, and it looks great! I also came up with the idea of wall decals since we decided not to paint since we live on the base, and would have to repaint it when we move. I found some really cute wall decals that match the theme we are doing in his room, and now I just have to buy them and decide how to put them up! So with all the stuff left to do in there, let’s just say his room is still a work in progress!
5. Write Thank You Notes
I got so many nice gifts for the shower and in the mail, and now I need to write all those thank you notes! I know that if I don’t do it now I will never have time to do it later, so this is one of those things I will need to get done very soon!
7. Buy the Things that are Still Left to Buy
We have been given almost everything we could possibly need! But there are so many things a baby needs, I don’t want to miss anything! Here are a few things I thought of that I still may need to get:
(1) More baby hangers
For all those clothes Adam got! I keep buying more, and I still need more!
(2) A dirty clothes hamper.
(3) Some more books for his little book shelf
(4) Nursing cover
Do I really need one of these? How important do you think it is? I could just use a baby blanket…
(5) A bumbo
I think I have one that someone is going to sell to me for about half the store price! I am excited! For those of you who do not know what a bumbo is:
“The Bumbo Baby Seat is a snug and cozy environment for your baby. This unique infant chair is designed according to the baby’s posture and is manufactured to the highest safety standards from low-density foam material, which makes it lightweight, portable, and comforable for your baby. A revolutionary alternative to the traditional booster, the Bumbo Baby Sitter aids in feeding and playtime without straps and fasteners, but should not be used on a table, countertop, chair, or other elevated surfaces.”
(6) More diapers, diaper inserts, and diaper toilet sprayer
Yes, we decided to do cloth diapers. But not for until he is at least a month or two old. I have plenty of cloth diapers, plenty of newborn diapers, but I think we might need some of the next size up diapers the ones. I also need more inserts for the cloth diapers, and the toilet sprayer to clean them.
(7) Wall decals
The same ones I mentioned before
I am sure I can come up with more to add to this list, but for now these are some things we will need before baby comes.
8. Plan on When Family will Come
Did anyone else have a slight problem with this? I want people to be here to see Adam, and to help out, but we only have so much room here, and I don’t want to be overwhelmed when I first come home either.Right now my mother-in-law is planning on driving down from West Virginia as soon as I go into labor (It’s a ten hour drive). She is bringing my sister-in-law who is thirteen, because of my father-in-law’s work schedule, they do not want to leave her home alone. My mother-in-law plans on staying anywhere from two weeks to a month, which I am really happy about. I definitely will relish the help, and I am close with my mother-in-law and know it will be great to have her here.
The problem is my family. My mother I am sure will want to come up, but she does not want to drive six hours from Florida alone. She wants to bring my two brothers, and possibly my dad. I really want my family to see the baby, but having all those people here sounds like too much to me. I am thinking of somehow suggesting that my mom leaves everyone at home and comes by herself, and then everyone else can come up later once we have had time to settle in, and get into a schedule.I am still deciding what I should do, and know that I will have to talk to everyone about it soon.
9. Pack for the Hospital.
I know I still have time, but packing for the hospital is somethign I have been thinking about lately. I am still deciding what things are important to bring, and what things I should just leave home. What if I forget something? I don’t want to bring a huge bag to the hospital either, I know just an overnight bag should do. But I am girl, and I have a hard time packing light! Any suggestions on what is important to bring?
Well this is my list, I am sure I will come up with more later, but right now I need to get to working on all of it before times flies by any faster!
I can totally relate to all your anxiety of preparing for the new little one!
I love doing the laundry but folding so many little things gets overwhelming after a while LOL
Just some advice about visitors. When Cooper was born I had my mom, mother in law and hubby in the room and my dad, father in law, grandmother etc in the waiting room. Let me tell you it was totally overwhelming! Plus Cooper had to be wisked away to another hospital that had a NICU an hour after he was born and everyone kept hounding us about what was going on and getting upset that my husband wouldnt give them details instead focused on Cooper and myself.
So this time I am only having Justin (my hubby) in the room. I would suggest if you can convince your mom to come up by herself for the birth it would be best. Then everyone else can come once you have gone home. That way you have had pleanty of time to rest and go through all the emotions of meeting your son. It really is a time to focus on you, your husband and your new arrival because it happens so fast.
So there are my thoughts. Even if you don't finish everything before the birth know the most important things to have done is the hospital bag….everything else can get done in time…he wont wear every outfit he has in the first week :0)
Your gonna do great kiddo!!!
Ohhh family! I am only having my husband in the room with me but then I know we will get bombarded with family and whilst I dont want to take any experiences away from anyone, I also dont want to miss out on my own experience and have it turn into a whirlwind where I am just another character in it. If my husband was back for longer than 14 days I might not mind so much but I just feel like before I know it, he will be back in Iraq, family will have left and I will feel like the time wasnt used wisely.
A nursing cover I dont think is really needed unless you are planning on nursing in front of people?
Sounds like a lotttt of family coming. Sounds overwhelming to me. My mom came for a week afterwards and she helped out and I didnt have to intertain her. Joshs family came out 1 mth later after birth and it was still overwhelming and he got over stimulated from all the people and wouldnt sleep and his schd got so messed up!
How great for you! It sounds like you will be busy! Very exciting though! You sound like you are so organized! I am sure you will be a great mom!
Sounds like you will have plenty to do in the coming days – which will make these final weeks fly by!
I think it would be so fun to wash all his little clothes and organize them. Of course, I actually like doing laundry, so maybe that's just me. Lol.
I don't think you put up the right link for the wall decals…or at least I couldn't figure out where they were on that link.
The name wall art turned out great! I love it- and how special that his parents made it for him!
Good luck getting everything done and figuring everything out! Enjoy this time as much as you can!
Thanks for fixing the link! The wall decals are super cute! They'll look great with his name on the wall!
Bring socks! And definitely comfy, stretchy clothes to leave in! And if you're nursing, maybe you're own nursing gown/pj's — although with my first, I was in the hospital gown til I left. And if you are like me, bring a brush and makeup — pictures!!! 😉
Oh. And when you leave — TAKE EVERYTHING IN THE ROOM! You're paying for it!