
My Favorite Christmas Song

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Christmas is such a lovely time of year, and listening to Christmas music is one of my favorite parts of all! Out of all the beautiful Christmas classics we hear every year, it is very hard to pick one as my favorite. I love “Carol of the Bells,” “Breath of Heaven,” “Mary Did You Know,” “What Child is This” and so many more. There is one I picked as my favorite for this post though, and that is “O Holy Night.”

O Holy Night

The words and lyrics of the old carol ‘O Holy Night’ were written by Placide Cappeau de Roquemaure in 1847. Cappeau was a wine seller by trade but was asked by the parish priest to write a poem for Christmas. He obliged and wrote the beautiful words of the hymn. He then realized that it should have music to accompany the words and he approached his friend Adolphe Charles Adams(1803-1856). He agreed and the music for the poem was therefore composed by Adolphe Charles Adams. Adolphe had attended the Paris conservatoire and forged a brilliant career as a composer. It was translated into English by John Sullivan Dwight (1812-1893).” –Carols.org

Here is one of my favorite musical groups, Celtic Woman singing, “O Holy Night.”
Enjoy!What is your favorite Christmas song? I would love to know!

This post is for the Wives of Faith Blog Carnival! Dec. 12 โ€“ My Favorite Christmas Song

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  1. I think I'd have to go with Mary Did you Know as my favorite. It gives me chills every time I hear it, especially when my dad sings it.

  2. "O Holy Night" is one of my favorite Christmas carols too ๐Ÿ™‚ I had heard Celtic Women before, but never this song ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Thanks for dropping by my blog! Happy Saturday SITS sharefest!
    This year I'm loving the Charlie Brown Christmas song because it makes my little guy do a happy dance. ๐Ÿ™‚

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