
Jonah and the Great Big Fish

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I am always on the lookout for kid’s books that my kids will love. My son loves to be read to, and I am hoping my daughter will too when she gets a bit older. I was given the opportunity to read and review Jonah and the Great Big Fish by Rhonda Gowler Greene and my son is really enjoying it!

Jonah and the Great Big Fish

My Review of Jonah and the Great Big Fish

4 stars

I love that this book is so big, bright, and colorful. My son enjoyed looking at the pages and I enjoyed looking too. The book is in rhyme which is cute, and my son seems to prefer books like that as well. I liked that it kept with the biblical account of the story and that for the most part it was easy to read.

One of the things I didn’t care for was the way it rhymed. It seemed to have missing words. For example:

“God told Jonah to obey,

said, ‘Go to Nineveh this day.”

Seems to me it would be easier to add the “He” to the second line and I find myself reading it that way sometimes. I also was sad that the book ended with Jonah saying he would go to Nineveh, but that it didn’t complete the story. I think it would have been a great book to have it a little longer and to finish the story of what happened in Nineveh.

All-in-all it was a great book. It says for ages 3-7 and I thought that covered a good age group. I definitely plan on keeping it around for both my kids and maybe buy the companion stories by Rhonda Gowler Greene too!

Other Biblical Stories by Rhonda Gowler Greene:

1. Jonah and the Great Big Fish

Jonah and the Great Big Fish

2. Noah and the Mighty Ark

Noah and the Mighty Ark

3. One Lost Sheep

one lost sheep

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