8 Encouraging Posts From Other Bloggers
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For awhile now I have had a Pinterest board of posts that really stood out to me personally or encouraged me. Today I decided to share the best of the best of them with you!
8 Encouraging Posts:
1. Top 5 Regrets From Dying People
“People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. I learned never to underestimate someone’s capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal. Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them.”
2. Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World
“Some days we feel like we’ve lost the battle against entitlement in our home; we are still in the trenches, trying to figure this all out. But as we reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice and turn our attention to The Cross, it’s thankfulness for His sacrifice and our chance at New Life that I want them to grasp the most.”
3. For When You’re Feeling Average
“Average is a lie. God created us to be set-apart knowing the very count of hairs on top our head.(Luke 12:7) He is not an average God. Maybe today you are feeling stuck? Decide if you will accept the place you’re in or take a leap of faith.”
4. Why We Should Not Be Afraid to Talk About Imperfection
“”The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.’ Isn’t that so true? It’s so easy to look at our friends lives or the lives of bloggers or pinterest buddies and assume that every one else has it all together. But the truth is, none of us do!”
5. On Loving Through the Unexpected
“And when the unexpected hits, sometimes the only thing I can do is exactly what I did on the white tile floor of the Montego Bay airport. I have to pull out my Bible and soak in the truth. Soak in the truth that God has not left me or abandoned me. That He knew this would happen, and He also knows how it will end. That He knows my comings and goings. That He’s holding me in the palm of His hand.”
6. Earning His Love
“I held his hand willingly in the car. I wasn’t stressed about getting to church in time to “serve.” I was going to worship. We slipped into the pew and held each other while singing praises about God and His unearned loved and forgiveness…not about how we have earned His love.”
7. Why You Should Smile Right Now
“If neither height nor depth nor death nor anything in heaven or earth can separate me from the love of God — surely neither can messy bedrooms or dirty sinks or loud kids or ugly days can separate me from the joy of the Lord. Really — if nothing can separate me from the Love of the Lord — can anything separate me from the Joy of the Lord?”
8. 7 Things You Need When You’re Overwhelmed and Can’t Keep Up
“And I can feel it, how when a new week starts to run after me, the goodness and mercy of God isn’t just following after me placidly. The goodness and mercy of God pursues after me passionately. God is so bent on blessing, He chases. God’s not out to get you — He’s out to give to you.”
Great links! We all need a but of uplift and encouragement from time to time. Thanks!
We sure do! I enjoyed reading over them too, it had been awhile. 🙂
Thanks so much for featuring my post! What a great list!
No problem, it was one of my favorites! 🙂