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Special Needs Family Feature: The Samuels Family

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Recently, I have been starting doing stories of special needs families on my blog. I decided to do a “Special Needs Family Feature” here on the blog to highlight other families with different special needs. Several months ago, I received this story about a little girl named Kaitlyn and her beautiful military family. I hope this special needs family touches your heart like it did mine.

Special Needs Family

Story: “Jennifer Samuels and her husband who is a Navy captain have three children, and their oldest, Kaitlyn, suffers from congenital brain abnormalities, cerebral pals, epilepsy, and scoliosis. Kaitlyn has been doing therapy with the use of a horse, as opposed to a ball or bench, which significantly helps to prevent her spine from curving to such a degree which would crush her lungs and cause her to suffocate. This has been life-saving therapy for her, yet the problem is that the family’s military health coverage, TriCare, is refusing to pay for the therapy any longer, as well as forcing the Samuels to pay for prior sessions which were already covered. The decision came completely out of the blue, forcing the family to either come up with the funds for the therapy themselves or risk a regression of Kaitlyn’s condition.”

Kaitlyn’s Law: “The family appealed and were granted a hearing, where they won and the judge ruled TriCare had to cover the therapy. However, TriCare is still refusing to comply, which has compelled Kaitlyn’s family to go to Congress. With the help of local congressional representatives and a host of allies and friends, “Kaitlyn’s Law”, which will guarantee TriCare coverage for such therapy for children with special needs, as well as wounded warriors who also use horses for therapy to recover from their injuries, was introduced in Congress. It hasn’t passed yet so the Samuels family is asking supporters to please contact their Congressmen and women as well as their Senators to ask them to please pass the bill. The struggle is unbelievable; military families give up a lot for this country and Congress should support them in their time of need.”

Support: “The Samuels’ Family started Kaitlyn’s Foundation to help other children and wounded warriors with special needs who use horses for their physical therapy. You can learn more at their website: kaitlynsfoundation.org.”

The above article and information was written by Melissa Pfeuffer, the family’s public relations person.

Special Needs Family
Kaitlyn riding her horse at therapy

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