My Life Before and After Kids
Note: I may earn money or products from the companies, products, or links mentioned in this post.
As you all know I am on maternity leave from my blog right now, and so I have set up some awesome guest blog posts for you to read! Today’s scheduled post and guest blogger is:
Mandi @ Tales of a Recovering Perfectionist
She is a really fun blogger, so after you read her post, which I think is great by the way, check out her blog!
Well, kid actually. Not kid(s).
Regardless. I can’t help but think of how having a child has changed almost everything about my life! My daughter is now a toddler and the time really does fly by too fast. I’ll tell you a secret… Yes I was excited when she took her first steps but there was a part of me that was sad. She wasn’t a baby anymore! She was now a “toddler”. But I am finding this stage to be just as exciting. I even think the fits she throws because I won’t let her look at herself in the mirror while I’m trying to put on make-up is adorable! But don’t tell her that. She is quite the diva!
Before…. After
Before having a child I had to set my alarm clock to wake up at a certain time. Now I don’t really need to worry about over sleeping. A hungry child wakes you up with the sunrise.
Before having a child if I was sick I just put the thermometer in my mouth. Now I need to double check that it wasn’t up someone’s rear end first.
Before having a child I would relax in the shower until the hot water ran out. Now I can almost break the sound barrier when shaving my legs.
Before… I thought a great achievement was getting a college degree or a great promotion. Now… I think a really GREAT achievement is changing a diaper with one hand.
I never thought I would get so excited to hear someone say “Dog”. Which by the way happened recently!
Before… I didn’t worry about poop. Now… I actually examine it. And talk about it. And other moms understand me.
Before… I never had to double check the bathtub for socks, toys, clothes or whatever else might have found it’s way in there.
Before… I never even watched a Baby Einstein DVD… Now I know them all by heart.
I can’ t believe I actually chose to stay up all night before having a child. Now I’m ready for bed at 9pm.
Which speaking of… before kids I would gladly have attended a party that began at 8pm on a Saturday night. Now it’s out of the question. Way too late.
Before… my boobs were just that. MINE! Now…. it’s been over a month since weaning my daughter and there is still milk in there. When does it dry up?
In relation to that… I never understood why push up bras had so much padding until now. I have one word…. gravity.
I never imagined having to sing the head and shoulders knees and toes song over and over. All. Day. Long. Every. Single. Day.
I never imagined a day on the town to be a trip to the park and Petsmart. Now it is the highlight of my week!
I never knew what a forgotten cup of milk smells like when it has been left in the diaper bag over a week before having a child. It’s pretty nasty.
Before having kids I knew exactly how to raise them. After actually having one though I realize how stupid I was.
I love being Maddy’s mom! With all the ups and downs I wouldn’t trade it for the world! Even when she follows me to the bathroom. Even when she is freaking out because I am wiping her nose. Even when she gets into the trash can. She is such a beautiful little person with her own personality and I wouldn’t change one thing about her!
And just to show you how cute she is….
Cute huh?
I love this post, because it shows me how much I have to look forward to! I am sure many of you moms can relate! Hope you enjoyed Mandi’a post, now go check out her blog!
what a beautiful post!
this is just a wonderful post! You describe mommyhood perfectly! I can relate to every single one of those things. And until you are a mommy, you just don't get it 🙂