Moved in & Tired!
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We are all moved in our new house, and got all the unpacking done this week! I really love it, and I am so happy we decided to move on base instead of staying in an apartment. I thought we had it good at the apartment until we moved here, now I feel spoiled! We are done with the packing pretty much, but I still am waiting for husband to help me hang a few things, then I will post pictures!
So after spending an entire week unpacking and getting things done here, we get a phone call on Friday from my in-law’s asking us to come visit for the weekend, since some of Jon’s relatives who he hadn’t seen in a long time were going to be there. So Friday night we stopped what we were doing and drove a couple hours over there. We had fun, but I am just so tired from the whole week and then the excitement from the weekend. I think I am feeling kind of grumpy now. Not to mention that I am sad my husband has to go back to work tomorrow after a week off to help with the move. I love being a stay-at-home wife/mom but sometimes it gets so lonely being here alone all day! It was nice having someone to talk to all last week! Am I the only one who feels this way sometimes?
Anyways just wanted to remind everyone that there is only a week left to the flag Giveaway, so spread the word and pass it on as much as you can until then! 🙂
YAY! Such a nice feeling to be all moved in I bet 🙂
I knew you would love to live on base from the very beg, before you guys even moved into your apartment lol.
Ya it get lonley without someone to talk to.
Blessings, andrea
You are so far from the only one who feels that way, it's not even funny. It is really hard sometimes (even after baby arrives) to feel connected to anybody when you're at home all day. But you're not alone!
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9.
And, for even more support, if you'd like, I'm part of a Mommy's Discussion Group on Facebook that I could share with you that was a life saver to me during the days I couldn't get out…at least I could have some sort of "conversations" with other adults. 🙂
I hope you settle into the new house quickly. I remember how hard that was when we first moved into our house … and it must be more difficult when pregnant!
*Stopping by from the LBS tea party*
Awesome! I'm impressed you are unpacked so fast!!
Ugh. I love moving, but it IS exhausting. Especially when other stuff like visiting family falls in the midst of it. We're PCS'ing in July & it will be our first REAL one. SO looking forward to it, but then again I'm not. I was just talking to a friend in e-mail tonight asking her what she does during the day when she gets lonely. And then I said wait! That's assuming you do…. but I sure do. I'm glad to know I'm not alone =)