Fancy Pants
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Published: Sept. 2007
Product Description:
“When Britisher Lady Sydney Hathwell’s father dies, the American who planned to wed her suddenly reneges. Stranded in America and penniless, Sydney contacts a relative in Texas who, mistaking her male-sounding name, invites his “nephew” to join him on his ranch. “Big Tim” Creighton, however, is appalled when this mincing fop arrives at Forsaken. He determines he’ll turn Fancy Pants Hathwell into a man before the boss returns home. From the get-go, he has “the kid” mucking stalls, clearing and plowing a field, and assisting with a difficult calving. But when Sydney’s true identity is uncovered, Tim resents being deceived. Yet in time, he also finds that he doesn’t like all the attention Sydney garners now that she’s wearing pretty gowns…Together Sydney and Tim will discover the importance of family and what it means to be a man–and a woman–of God.” – Amazon
My Rating:
My Review:
I found this book to be very sweet and heartwarming. The characters are written well, and made me smile at some points. The plot line is good although a bit rushed in the end. Altogether a great book!
The story is about Lady Sydney Hathwell. Raised in a very rich, cultivated society Sydney travels to America to meet a man who has asked permission to marry her. When she arrives, she finds him cold and rude. While he is away Sydney decides to go to live with her Uncle whom she has never met. When she receives her uncle’s letter in reply, he assumes she is boy and so she decides to dress like a boy so that her Uncle will continue to want her. When she arrives her uncle is not only gone for several weeks, he has also left in charge “Big Tim” the man determined to make “Syd” into a man! Through all the hard work Sydney learns many lessons, and finally her disguise has been discovered. Will Sydney be able to stay at her Uncle’s Ranch? Will Time ever see her for who she is and realize that she loves him?
One part I thought were a little questionable about this book, was when Sydney is still pretending to be a boy and is at the saloon with the “Soiled Doves”. Granted, this was the only place she could take a bath without people knowing about her disguise, but I did not like that she had to pretend that she had used their “services”. I understand that she was not saved yet, but I am surprised she would have considered it proper, even when pretending to be a boy!
I also did not like the rushed ending as I mentioned before. I felt that the “bad guy” of the story, the man Sydney traveled to America for, gave up way to easy in the end. He had spent 6 months tracking her only give in in the end. It would have been far more interesting if he had put up more of a fight!
I know some people don’t like Christian Fiction to sound preachy, but I am the opposite. I enjoy learning from the books I read and Cathy Marie Hake’s books have that quality! From little life lessons throughout the book to Tim giving Sydney the Salvation message, this book has some wonderful spiritual qualities to it!
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About the Author:
Check out her website:
“As a child, Cathy Marie Hake had an imaginary playmate. Now ‘grown up,’ she indulges in a host of imaginary friends as she writes. She teasingly says she decided if those voices in her head were talking, she might as well write down what they said and make a living by doing it. She met her sweetheart in the High School department at church and married him after finishing nursing school. They live in Southern California and have two children and two dogs (one of them even moos – one of the dogs that is, not the kids). Faith in God, a loving family, and a wacky sense of the ridiculous keep her going.
Known for surfing across the kitchen on a dropped dill pickle slice, waterskiing on sea anemone spit, and using Right Guard as hair spray; she considers herself living proof that God does, indeed, possess a healthy sense of humor. Cathy loves classical music, romantic getways with her husband, and Diet Pepsi Free. “I need chocolate to survive, love my friends, and enjoy a deep personal relationship with the Lord. Although an extrovert, I’m very conservative on a personal level.”In her writing, Cathy attempts to capture a unique glimpse of life and how a man and woman can overcome obstacles when motivated by love. In her inspirational pieces she enjoys the freedom of showing how Christ can enrich a loving couple’s relationship.”
I wished I could have posted yesterday, but I was determined to finish this book, and I was busy with all the car problems we were having! Our car decided it was not going to lock anymore so we took it to the dealership since it’s still under warrenty. While he was there my husband thought that he would get the oil changed and they said the tires needed be rotated. While they were doing all that they found another problem and were going to charge us $600! Luckily a guy from Jon’s shop knows how to fix it and offered to do it for free! Praise God! We still had to pay for the other stuff, but at least it wasn’t as bad as $600.
Hope you all enjoy the review! 🙂
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Love the color of your umbrella!