
News About Our BOP and Some Moving Tips

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As some of you know, we have been waiting to hear all summer if my husband’s BOP (Base of Preference) was accepted or denied. We never heard one way or the other, so my husband finally made some phone calls and found out it had been denied. It’s a long story why, and we got more than several different reasons, but we feel that right now apparently was not God’s timing for us to move.

We were more than a little disappointed as we were looking forward to traveling and trying out a new place. We have been at Robins Air Force Base for almost five years now and we would love to visit some other places too. We really thought this would go through and had already made plans and packed some things up to make more room for baby number 2# and because we figured we would be moving.

God must have a plan and now we are just waiting on Him to show us what it is…

Even though we are not going to be moving from Georgia right now, I am no stranger to moving around. I have moved about 5 times in my life – some of the moves were when I was growing up, one from moving off to college, and several more since we moved to Georgia. Even though our BOP got denied, we could still get orders anytime, and I think it’s a good idea to be prepared.

Moving Tips:


Moving Tips
Graphic Citation

I love how the graphic above shows that “moving season” is during the summer. If you are a military spouse, then you know that is usually true and that “PCS season” also occurs during the summer. We are holding out that we will get some kind of orders this coming summer since we have been here five years and it would be about time to move anyway. I guess we’ll see what happens!

Maybe you are in the middle of a move/PCS and it’s your first time. Maybe you have no idea what to do. My tips come from my previous experiences and I will say this:

  • Start packing as soon as you can. Start with the things you know you aren’t going to need or use for a long time such as collectibles and breakables that are mainly for attraction and not use.
  • Use newspaper to wrap your breakables and put extra newspaper in the box around them so nothing will move/or break.
  • You can usually find boxes that are being thrown away at grocery stores. You just go in and ask if they have empty boxes that you can take. I know that’s where my parents would get all of their boxes when I was growing up.
  • Make sure all your important paperwork is organized into folders and/or a filing cabinet.
  • Have one bag/suitcase of valuables that you and only you will touch. There are some things, you just don’t want the movers touching!

Here are a few more tips from around the web:

How many times have you moved? What are your best moving tips?

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One Comment

  1. We moved into our third home before we even celebrated three years of marriage. Each move had to be completed in 2 weeks or less because they were extremely unexpected. I love moving and living in a new places!!! It’s incredible!!!

    Moving tip: Use your clothes you know you won’t wear to use for padding in boxes instead of newspaper. Saves money and trees and is softer than paper.

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