Blessings in Disguise
Note: I may earn money or products from the companies, products, or links mentioned in this post.

A couple months back a friend of mine who has two special needs children posted a question on her Facebook page. She talked about how sometimes as special needs parents we tend to see the ways other people do not understand our children, and the ways that people don’t care. Instead of focusing on the bad she asked for stories of people (strangers) who may have been a “blessing in disguise” – someone who may have helped you in a time of need with your special needs child.
I loved this idea and thought back to a day awhile back when my two-year old autistic son was having a melt down at Chick-fil-a…
It had been a long day already and I thought that letting him run around the play place would help. We parked, walked in, and ordered. Everything was going great until we sat down and I set up the food.
Read the rest of this post here… Blessings in Disguise.