Resources for Military Spouses and Families
Note: I may earn money or products from the companies, products, or links mentioned in this post.
For those of you who may not have noticed, I have a resources for military spouses tab at the top of the page. I know that there are so many helpful websites out there, and I want everyone to know of these great sites that can be a help and an encouragement! I will try to highlight a few each week, and also post the list on my fan page. The words that are italicized and in quotes are directly from the site quoting what it is about.
Military OneSource
I am sure most of you military wives already know about this site, but if you don’t Military One Source is an incredible resource to have and use!
“Education, relocation, parenting, stress – you name it – Military OneSource is here to help you with just about any need. Available by phone or online, our free service is provided by the Department of Defense for active-duty, Guard, and Reserve service members and their families. The service is completely private and confidential, with few exceptions.”
Christian Military Wives
Christian Military Wives is a site that is an encouragement and a great way to make friends with other military wives. They have tons of awesome resources, and are a great help!
“We are a group of Bible-believing military wives committed to wholeheartedly serving Christ through the strengthening of one another. We strive to live a life of honor to our husbands stationed around the globe and of duty to our country. We proclaim liberty to the captives and freedom for the oppressed, while providing a place of encouragement, growth, acceptance, fellowship, support, prayer, and the like for our fellow military sisters in Christ.”
Wives of Faith
Wives of Faith is another great site for encouragement, and resources for military wives.
Faith Deployed
Faith Deployed is a site based on the book by Jocelyn Green. It is a source for encouragement, and has tons of other articles written by military wives.
“This website was created as an extension of my first book, Faith Deployed. I hope you’ll visit often for resources and spiritual encouragement for the unsung heroes at home. Check out the blog (or better yet, subscribe), the links to the right and the bookstore for ways to strengthen your faith in the One who never changes.”
Air Force 101
It says Air Force 101, but there are a lot of helpful things in here. When I first got married I found it to be very helpful! There is a glossary of terms, and tons of other information that is great!
“This handbook is not designed to answer all your Air Force Questions. We hope to provide you with enough information that you know what questions to ask, and who to ask them of. And to understand the answers when you get them!”
Military Families Pray
This site actually hasn’t been updated in a little while, but I wanted to include it still, because it has prayers and posts of encouragement.
“This site is designed and written to encourage and equip you to persevere in prayer for your loved ones who are serving in Iraq, Afganistan, or at another location around the world—and also to provide Biblical prayers, inspirational articles, tips, and more. This site was developed by military moms. We hope it encourages you and helps you cope during your loved ones’ deployment.”
*If you have a site you would like to suggest, just leave me a comment!*
Thanks for these resources. I will look into them.
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support.
I just bloghopped over here and I am SO glad that I did! I am bookmarking this page RIGHT NOW! My hubby enlisted with National Guard and is leaving next month for basic and AIT training. He won't be at war, but he will still be gone. I had no idea there was a Christain Military wife site and stuff. Thanks so much for posting!
thanks for these links…some of them I was not familiar with =)
thanks for posting this, I'm going to check out the christian military wives site.
I'm a new follower. Can't wait to read more:)
Thanks for these resources, I will definitely be looking into them! I know I'm not necessarily a wife yet, but the keyword there is yet! haha. Mind as well prepare myself 🙂
Just so you… I made my old blog private and created a new one! My new blog will look VERY similar since all of my old posts have been transferred to it, but this time around I'm not using names or pictures. Feel free to follow: