You Must Be a Military Spouse at Christmas if…
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You must be a military spouse at Christmas if… your wedding date had to be changed to two days before Christmas because of the military!
You Must Be a Military Spouse at Christmas if…
When I was younger and was planning my wedding, I had always wanted my wedding to be in June. June was the perfect time of the year. It’s usually not too hot and not cold. I love summer, and I have always hated the cold so I picked June!
We got engaged June 5, 2008 and because my fiance, Jon was heading to basic in July we tried to come up with a date that would be perfect. A date that was right after he graduated from Tech School after basic. We decided on January 10, 2009.
A very good friend of mine, who had a lot more experience with military things and whose husband was a marine, warned me that our wedding date would probably change more than once. She was so right! Our date changed a total of three times before we found one that worked!
Once Jon completed basic, we had a better idea of when he would be done with Tech School. We figured out how many weeks it would take, and it was a month past the second date we had picked out. With much frustration, I had to cancel the reservation I had made for the reception place.
We realized then that the only time it would really work was his Christmas break. We knew that was the only time he would be able to come home. After that, we still had to wait two more months to find out the exact dates of Christmas break and let me tell you I was very impatient! Two more months of not knowing the official date you are getting married on and not being able to plan ahead is not fun!
Finally, Jon knew what days he would have off. We picked Tuesday, December 23, 2008 as our date – just two days before Christmas. The funny thing was that he wasn’t able to come home until two days before the wedding. I had everything planned and he was able to just show up!
Our Christmas wedding was very beautiful, but the one thing that wasn’t great about the date was that very few people were able to came. The cool thing is I wouldn’t change it for the world. Because no matter what I love my military man!
What about YOU? Do you have a “You Must Be a Military Spouse at Christmas if…” time?
have you ever read our love story an wedding story?!?! lol
Our wedding date changed a few times too and Russ almost didn't make it to the wedding himself!
It all worked out though! Happy anniversary girl! GREAT POST!
Hey another thing I noticed that alot of military couples do is have a courthouse ceremony on the fly and than later on have a traditional wedding where their entire family can attend. We did this and lucky me, I have two anniversaries a year 😉
Great post! Thanks for stopping by my site the other day! 🙂
Aw, but that's true love. <3 The date of the event isn't what's important, just that the two of you were there being joined together as one! 🙂
[Dropping by from SITS!]
My husband and I got married before he joined the military. However, we also had a wedding that we couldn't really plan for because of various immigration issues (I was immigrating to the US from Germany at that time.). We will be celebrating our 5th anniversary soon but are planning on having a big wedding on our 10th. 🙂
Wow, that is crazy. I was fortunate enough that I only had to change my date once… and it wasn't even because of the military, haha. My sister's High School wouldn't let her leave school early even though she was more than able to get all of her work done early. Either way, I'm glad everything eventually worked out for you in the end.
By the way, thanks for the comment. I don't mind that it took you awhile to reply to my comments, I understand people are busy (especially during the holidays, let's face it). Anyway, do you remember how I mentioned I was in denial that I was showing but have come to terms with it? Well, I think I may now be in denial again because of how big my belly has gotten. haha.
I'm glad I was able to post about my daily questions and worries. I know it's always nice knowing that someone else is going through the exact same thing you are, because it's easier to swap stories and share mutual feelings that way.
I am not a military wife, but I had to move my wedding date right against another holiday (Memorial Day) because of my husband's crazy schedule at the time!
And I LOVE Christmas weddings… you must have been a gorgeous bride!
I loved your post…we got married on the 4th of july:P
We had a short engagement because we weren't sure when he'd deploy! I can only imagine how hard it must have been to not know the date you were getting married. If there's one thing I've learned about military life is that it CHANGES! No date ever stays the same, so I no longer get my heart set on specific dates. This crazy military life… 🙂
sweet post!
You learn early that everything changes and be flexible =)