
The Best Hypoallergenic Carpet for Families with Allergies or Asthma

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When we moved to Colorado, we decided that we wanted to buy a house and be first-time homeowners. Previously we had only lived in an apartment and on a military installation. Buying our first home was certainly an eye-opener and while we picked a nice house, there has still been a lot of work we’ve had to put into it. One of those things is flooring. I’m excited to share with you how we discovered an amazing and hypoallergenic flooring through this post sponsored by Air.o Unified Soft Flooring.

My husband and I had never picked out flooring before and we really didn’t know what we wanted or needed. Then we heard about  which is hypoallergenic, and after researching we knew it would be a great fit for our family!

The Best Hypoallergenic Carpet for Families with Allergies or Asthma

The Best Hypoallergenic Carpet Alternative

My daughter has Mast Cell Activation Disorder. This means she can have allergies to almost anything at any time. She also has some mild respiratory issues.

My son has asthma and while it’s mild most of the time, he does have his bad days. While we already had put in a medical-grade air filter, we knew that having hypoallergenic flooring would go a long way to help our kids.

Mohawk Flooring sent us a bunch of samples to look at and I laid them all down on our floor to see which we liked best. I knew we wanted flooring that was on the darker side because we have two kids and knew that some spills were going to inevitable. We ended up going with Mohawk’s .”

The night before they installed the flooring, we had to move a lot of our things out of the way. They told us they would move the big furniture, but we needed to remove the breakables and valuables. We were able to move everything except our very heavy couches. I was SO happy to say goodbye to our old (original to the house) carpet that had wrinkles and plenty of stains in it!

Hypoallergenic Options to Carpet

The first thing they did when they came to install the flooring the next morning was rip up the old carpet. They took off the old, wore down rug and got rid of the padding beneath it. Then they swept the hard part of the floor underneath and sanded down anything that wasn’t completely flat. We actually learned a lot about our house during this process.

Easy to install carpet

As you can see the padding underneath our old carpet was in pieces and quite honestly, disgusting. I love that the new Air.o Unified Soft Flooring comes with its own pad attached. The workers who were installing it told me they had never seen anything like it!

The black part in the picture below is attached to the Air.o flooring as an integrated premium felt pad. It’s much better than a separate pad made from little thin pieces! Having the padding attached really makes the flooring extra soft.

Carpet with pad attached Airo

The actual installation of the flooring was fast and easy. I learned that the installation time for the Air.o Soft Flooring is 50% less than traditional carpet installation and I was definitely surprised at how fast the process went.

Since the flooring is tension-free, it laid flat as soon as they unrolled it and Mohawk’s warranty guarantees that it will stay flat forever so you can be sure you made a wise investment!

Flooring made from recycled materials

Once they finished installing the flooring, we were able to come upstairs and check it out. It was so soft, my kids were rolling around on it! Having lived in base housing for over seven years, it’s been awhile since we’ve seen flooring as soft and luxurious as this.

Allergies and carpet

Another thing we noticed when we came upstairs was that there was no “new flooring smell.” Air.o flooring is latex free, so there is no odor and it’s free of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Because of this unique construction, Air.o also has superior airflow and releases dirt and dust from the floor when you vacuum. Cleaner floors, cleaner home!

Air.o the easy to install flooring

You can see how Air.o Unified Soft Flooring really softens and lightens up the room. It’s so much brighter and just cleaner in our main living area and we love it! Even though owning a home for the first time has been a huge learning experience (and not always a good one at that), the more we put into it the better our home becomes!

We are excited to see how the Air.o soft flooring works for our family. We’re also excited to know that it is hypoallergenic. Its fibers don’t absorb moisture, so it dries faster, which makes it harder for mold, mildew and allergens to spread.

If you’re someone who prefers to buy recyclable and green home products, then you’re in luck! Air.o Unified Soft Flooring is the first 100% recyclable flooring for your home.

See Also: The First 100% Recyclable Carpets are Here

What do YOU Think? Would you like to try a Hypoallergenic Carpet like this?

If so, check out Mohawk’s site for a chance to win $1,000 to use toward Air.o flooring in your home!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Mohawk Flooring Air.o Unified Soft Flooring (USF)

Before & After Photos

Recyclable flooring Air.o

Air.o Soft Flooring Installation

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