26 Facts for my 26th Birthday
Note: I may earn money or products from the companies, products, or links mentioned in this post.
Well it’s that time of the year again… Yup my birthday. Seems it really snuck up on me this year too! Don’t really have anything special planned for today, but thought that just for fun I would give you 26 random facts about myself. Believe it or not, it was hard to come up with ones I hadn’t already used in my 32 Random Facts Your Probably Never Knew About Me post. But hard or not here they are. Enjoy!
1. My favorite chore is vacuuming.
2. My favorite food is corned beef brisket.
3. I love country music.
4. I love Florida so much I like to claim it as my home.
5. I recently joined the choir at my church.
6. My husband and I met at college.
7. I grew up in and am from New Hampshire.
8. My husband and I honeymooned on a cruise headed to Cozumel, Mexico.
9. My dream vacation would be to Ireland.
10. I am obsessed with anything Irish, Celtic or Scottish.
11. Growing up, I would tan so well and so much during the summer that people didn’t even recognize me.
12. I love yoga.
13. I love driving. I got my license only a few weeks after I turned 16.
14. I was only born with two wisdom teeth.
15. My brother almost died by drowning when he was 4 years old.
16. I love date nights.
17. I do not like chocolate ice cream. Yuck!
18. I’m a city and suburbs kind of girl.
19. My best friend’s name growing up was “Bethany.”
20. I love black olives and can eat a whole can by myself.
21. I spent a lot of summers at Cape Cod growing up.
22. I loved writing papers in college.
23. I’ve been pulled over by the cops 3 times for speeding and never gotten a ticket.
24. I pretty much live in flip-flops all year long.
25. I am obsessed with Cherry Garcia Ice cream.
26. I do not like cheesecake.
Strongly disagree with #26. Haha! Happy Birthday!
Haha yeah people never believe me on that one. They always want me to try their cheesecake thinking I will like it, but I never do lol. Thanks for the birthday wishes!
Happy Birthday!!! 🙂 You know I love vacuuming as well!!! 🙂 People think I’m crazy haha.
I know right? I love seeing all the dirt vacuumed up and everything all clean! LOL Thanks for the birthday wishes!!
Happy Birthday! Not planning to celebrate with Cheese cake, I guess…
haha nope! I celebrated with ice cream cake! 😉 Thanks for the birthday wishes!!
what a fun post! 🙂
I’m proud that I knew several of these, but some were news to me as well 😉
i LOVE corned beef roast!!! and my hubby hates it. you need to come visit and we can share one! lol
Thanks! Which ones did you know? I am curious! 🙂
Yes, we need to have a corned beef feast sometime!!! That would be so awesome!
let’s see…
I knew you loved florida, I knew you and Jon met at college. I think I knew you loved to drive…? I knew you loved date nights 😉
I don’t know that we can still be friends if you don’t like chocolate ice cream 😉 j/k
I knew you loved olives (yuck, you can have my olives if I can have your chocolate ice cream!)
I knew you had been pulled over a few times without getting a ticket 😉
and I live in flip flops too. it’s no wonder we’re friends!!!
Okay we officially can’t be friends anymore. Because I HATE corned beef. and because I love chocolate ice cream and cheesecake. I even had cheesecake at my wedding!
ROFL great post!!
HAHAHA!! Was your wedding cake cheesecake??
Yes…well a series of cheesecakes. I tagged you in comments on the pictures so you could see.
I love yoga and corned beef too! I don’t agree on the chocolate ice cream or cheesecake though, haha! Talking yourself out of three tickets, that takes skill!
Haha I didn’t talk myself out them, I was just honest and they decided to let me off I guess! 🙂
Oh I LOVE this idea!! I will have to do the same for my birthday… although… ummm… it will be more than 26… *cough*
As a Florida native I cheered a little at #4. I am the EXACT same way as #11 – STILL. I do #20… often.
Aww haha! So glad I am not the only one that LOVES black olives! 😉 Thanks for the birthday wishes and for commenting!
Happy Birthday, girl!!! I love this idea for a birthday post, but I can completely emphathize; I’m not sure I’d be able to come up with 25 facts (turning 25 in June… ahh!). #24 has me written all over it, by the way (Florida does that to you!). Stopping by from SITS and wishing you a very special day! I’d love for you to stop by and say hi if you get the chance.
Diary of a Debutante
Hey Stephanie,
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!! I’m sure you could come up with 25 facts, you jut gotta think long and hard enough! 😉 So glad you stopped by have a wonderful day!
Dislike cheesecake?!? You can’t be trusted…lol. Visiting from SITS.
haha hey no fair!! LOL I am very trustworthy. 😉 Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Birthday, Kathryn! Thanks for following me on Twitter (thistle@Godsfiningfire). I read through your list because I had a hunch… and I was right. You grew up in NH. I did as well.
You have a lot going on here, and a heart for God and others. I am adding your blog to my reader. I’ll be seeing you again 🙂 Enjoy your special day. God bless. ~Joyce