The Blessing of Being a Special Needs Mom
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Can I be honest? When I first thought of the title for this post, it left a bad taste in my mouth. “Blessing” and “special needs” in the same sentence? Surely not! How can going to therapy 1-3 times almost every day, being exasperated with my son’s behavior, and being completely exhausted all the time be a blessing?
But when I stopped to think about it, I realized that along this journey I’ve learned a few things… ok a lot of things and counting my blessings is one of them. I’ve realized what a blessing this life can really be. I have so much to be thankful for and it only takes a short time to realize just how much!
I’m thankful for my son who has taught me so much about life and love. His zest (and sometimes extra energy) for life always amazes me and I love seeing things through his eyes. I am thankful that he has special needs because those needs have taught me how to be his advocate. It has taught me more patience than anything in the world and it has taught me that true love comes in all kinds of forms.
Today I am guest posting at Child’s Work, Child’s Play Blog to read the rest of this post click here: The Blessing of Being a Special Needs Mom
wow.. I love this post.. I have always heard it say by some friend of mine whos child is also special needs…(Downsyndrom) they never really knew what love was until they had their son.. What a blessing..
You are a awesome mom to savor the love of your child.. and he is so blessed to have you..
That is so true. Thank for posting and commenting, I appreciate it! 🙂
From one special needs mom to another: AMEN!
Thank you! God Bless you.
Being a military wife and having a son who has the same exact diagnosis i know exactly what you mean, its like you took the words right out of my mouth….a lot of people ask me how i do it and honestly i can’t say exactly how except God….and even though my son can’t talk I see the love in his eyes and that is more than enough for me!
Yup I totally agree. People ask me that all the time, and I really have no idea except for the grace of God. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, means a lot! 🙂
My son can be absolutely exhausting. We’ve just put him back to bed for like the millionth time — and he shall wake through the night. But your term “extra energy” is so beautiful, so lovely. A great post. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much! I agree my son can also be so exhausting and it’s hard to get through each day. Praying for grace for you. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. 🙂
“You’re My Star” wonderful tribute to a special needs child:
Thanks for sharing!