Search Results for: hospital

Free Hospital Gowns for Your Child’s Doll or Stuffed Animal
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Free Hospital Gowns for Your Child’s Doll or Stuffed Animal

For medically complex kids, especially those that spend a lot of time in and out of hospitals, small things like free hospital gowns for a “stuffie” can be a BIG help! Kids hate spending time in hospitals and doctor’s offices, but there are plenty of things we can do to help them adjust to this…

12 Things You Need to Know When Your Child is in the Hospital
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12 Things You Need to Know When Your Child is in the Hospital

***I am not a lawyer. This is not legal advice.*** I have been wanting to write this post for a very long time. My daughter who is two years old has been inpatient at the hospital nine times and this doesn’t include ER visits! Many of these hospitals have been all over the country, including…

Reflections on My Daughter’s Eighth Hospital Stay
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Reflections on My Daughter’s Eighth Hospital Stay

Four nights ago, I sat in my daughter’s hospital room trying to rock her to sleep. She had just gone through three different tests and six hours of anesthesia. My daughter doesn’t have cancer or a life threatening illness, but she’s medically complicated. Medically complicated is the term the doctors use when your child has…

Preparing for Your Child’s Hospital Stay

Preparing for Your Child’s Hospital Stay

Over the weekend, my daughter had another hospital stay. Thankfully, it wasn’t anything serious and just for observation, but I realized something: Elizabeth has been in the hospital for a total of 5 weeks in the short 9 months since she’s been born. The hospitalizations have been in three different hospitals in two different states, for a…

Using Google to Research Your Child’s Diagnosis

Using Google to Research Your Child’s Diagnosis

Understanding and learning how to use Google to research a new diagnosis for yourself or your child is daunting, but it doesn’t have to be impossible! Diagnosis Anxiety During the first year of my daughter’s life, she received many diagnoses. Her body failed to thrive; she had severe reflux/GERD, projectile vomiting, aspiration, and Laryngomalacia. At…

Dysautonomia (POTS) in Children: An Introduction

Dysautonomia (POTS) in Children: An Introduction

A while back I wrote about one of my daughter’s main diagnoses, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Today, I want to write about a second main diagnosis she has called, Dysautonomia (POTS). Dysautonomia is a rare disease that usually affects women between the ages of 12-15. My daughter was diagnosed with Dysautonomia (POTS) when she was 3 or…

Start Here

Start Here

Hello, welcome to Singing Through the Rain! I’m so glad you decided to start here. My name is Kathryn and I have been writing this blog for 12 years. I am a coffee-obsessed, military spouse, and mom trying to get through this journey we all call life. >>> More About Me When I was little,…

When People Tell You to Stop Looking for a Diagnosis

When People Tell You to Stop Looking for a Diagnosis

On February 23rd, 2017, after three years of looking for a diagnosis, my daughter Elizabeth finally received not one, but three main diagnoses from a local geneticist. For me, it was not a shock. I knew there was a diagnosis out there that fit her and I was not afraid to continue searching in spite…

Does One’s Special Needs Justify Killing or Withholding Treatment?

Does One’s Special Needs Justify Killing or Withholding Treatment?

The Alfie Evans case is not the first case of its kind to draw attention, but it does show us just how depraved humanity can be. In many circles, there are discussions about when life officially starts and ends. There are discussions about abortion, end-of-life care, physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia and if one’s special needs justify…